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Ivy’s pov

The next day all of us disguised ourselves, ready to forward the plan. Sebastian had managed to tell the ringleader that he had some people like him that would also love to be part of the circus. After we were all ready we headed over to the circus. I hope we don’t take to long to solve this case. We arrived, walking, as to raise less suspicion. We all wore peasant clothing, making us look like average people that roam these streets.

“So these are the friends you have talked about, huh?” Joker said, looking at us all. “I didn’t think you’d bring so many! Let’s see here... Snake!!” The guy with gray hair and snakes came up to him.

“What is it?” He said in a raspy voice.

“I need you to do me a favor, can you observe the three females while I take care of the kid?” The man nodded, as he signalled us to follow him. We were led into the main tent of the circus, which demonstrated the acrobatic swings, as well as other typical circus things like the big rounded balls. People were bustling around the circus, rehearsing and whatnot. I looked over to my maids, and I automatically spotted Rosalina’s eyes glistening with amazement and delight. Oh no…

“So which one of you would like to go first?’ says Emily.” he said in a high pitched voice, then retorted back to his original voice. Who’s Emily? Wait….is Emily one of the snakes? Great, another one like Rosalina.

“We both will,” they both said and started to do all these tricks, impressing everyone. They swung on the trapeze ropes, balanced on the balls, jumped through a ring of fire and many more. Rosalina managed to convince Angelina to go on the tightrope as they both to do a few flips on it. Show offs…

“‘I have to say I’m impressed!’ says Oscar” he did it again. Angelina and Rosalina did one last backflip from the tightrope and got down, thanking him. Then he turned to me. “‘What shall you be doing?’ asks Emily.” he once more repeated his previous action.

“W-well I'm good at playing with fire...”

“‘Hmm… well can you dance?’ asks Emily.” I swear that's getting on my nerves.

“A little bit,” then Snake left and came back with a torch stick, matches, and a small pouch full of powder.

“‘Show us what you got!’ says Emily and Oscar” I felt my eyebrow twitch a bit and I moved to a more open place of the circus so I won’t burn anyone. Then I had an idea.

“Do you have a small piece of rope that you don't need?” Snake nodded and pulled one out of his pocket and gave it to me. How convenient… I thanked him and started to tie the rope on the top part if the torch where it’s supposed to light up. I grabbed a match and lit up the torch, along with the rope. I took the bag of powder and poured some of it in my mouth, but not swallowing it. Ugh, it tastes awful! Then I started my act, I danced around in a way I never had before. I drew some random symbols in the air. I spinned the flaming rope all around my body, making sure not to burn myself in the process. The fire started to go out. That was my cue. I blew into the fire with the power in my mouth upwards, making it look like I breathed fire. Once I finished, I looked around just to see everyone staring at me. Rosalina started clapping and cheering.

“That’s my sis!” Rosalina cheered. Her WHAT!? I prefer going to hell!

“‘Sister, you say?’ asks Emily.” Snake said.

“You see, we raised her practically all of her life, so we see each other as sisters.” Angelina replied. Snake nodded in understanding, as I groaned. Ciel then came in with Sebastian and the ringbearer, as he had Ciel prepare for the tightrope. All of us stared at Ciel.

“It would be too easy for you to go on the tightrope since you’re a girl, so we had him do it instead.” Joker told me, and then Ciel started to loose his balance. He suddenly regained it, and my maids started to snicker. What are they laughing about now? Ciel kept losing his balance and suddenly regaining it. I looked over to Sebastian, to see him launching rocks at Ciel to keep his balance. I started to hold back a snicker. So that’s what funny. To be honest it’s kind of hilarious.  After all of that Ciel then got off the typerope, looking kind of beaten were the pebbles hit him. He seems fine, so he’s fiiiine. I hope. Joker started to clap his hands. “That was amazing! I didn't recone that you were gonna make it after that first wobble, but here you are!”

“Yes, here I am...” Ciel said bluntly. I laughed a bit and went to go stand next to him.

“Looks like these two puppets pass all the tests, ay Joker?” the man named Dagger said as he put each one of his hands on our heads.

“Not yet,” Joker said. All three of us looked at him shocked. “There's something of the utmost importance that you both are missing still.” We were confused “Yes I’m talking about... a big smile!”

“W-what?!” we both said.

“Come on then! Smile for me!”

“Why don’t you go first? Surely you have a better smile than me!” I said to Ciel and pushed him towards Joker.

“Uhh...” he hesitated.

“This is the easy part! Don’t look so gutted! What’s wrong with ye?” Behind him I saw the three demons trying their hardest not to laugh out loud. This is going to be good. “Go on, big smile! It can't be that hard, just give us one smile, that's all! Smile! Smile!”

“Aha!” Ciel finally smiled. I could imagine the sparkles around him as I felt a bit of blood rising to my face. Damn his cuteness!

“Now it's your turn, little girl!” Joker snapped me from my gaze. “Just one big smile! That's all I’m asking!” I tightened my fist and gave them my biggest smile.

“Nyan!” I accidently said. Oh no… I looked over to see Sebastian’s eye twitching, and resisting the urge to surely pet me. My maids snickered more, and at this point if they could they would have made fun of him already. PLEASE HURRY UP AND MAKE US MEMBERS ALREADY YOU STUPID RINGLEADER! THIS IS A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH! After all that, Joker renamed the three demons first.

“He basically re-named Sebastian ‘Black’, Rosalina ‘Stitch’ and Angelina ‘Angel’.” Ciel said. I eyed Angelina, who seemed very angry with her new name. Joker then called us over. He renamed me Kitty and Ciel…...Smile. How ironic.  

“Alright, since you all are new we’ll show you around. That reminds me Black you have competition for the amount of skill you have as a male performer. Hey Suit!” We both looked over, to see William T. Spears.. What is a Grim Reaper doing here? Sebastian and Angelina glared at William, sending him hate through their eyes. Rosalina just giggled in amusement. Joker didn’t seem to sense the atmosphere. “Make sure to help them feel welcome.”

“Of course,” he nodded, though one can detect the hatred in his voice. He then took us on a tour around the place showing the tents and all. After that he took us to the main tent, explaining how everyone wanted to be one of the top performers. We changed into our circus outfits and  warmed up; well more like Sebastian trying to have Ciel gain some muscle at the last minute.

“Our best chances is to move up to the top performers, to get a better look around.” Ciel concluded.

“I agree. That way we’ll be able to find the children,” I said.

“Sorry to say you too, but they’re just not here.” we both looked over to Rosalina.” I didn’t sense the children yesterday or today during our tour. I doubt they’re here.” If they’re not here, then where could they be?


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