Test Gone Wrong!

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The next day Akame went to the Academy. She was a mess; eyes were red and puffy as she cried herself to sleep last night. When Akame entered the room everyone was silent as they watched the normally cheerful Yamanaka have a gloomy aura around her as she took a seat near the door. Her bullies stood up and approach the girl.

"Sad now, are you? Heh, I bet you're not!" one of the bullies yelled

"Yeah! Outsider!" one yelled and pointed at the silent girl who was shaking in rage

"I bet you're happy your daddy died!" one sneered.

"That's enough" Akame hissed as she stood up and slammed her fist in the table

"Oh? Outsider is now talking back?" the leader snorted only to be kicked away and out of the window

"I let you bullies bullied me for 7 years straight. Say things about me I'll take it but mentioning my father is crossing the line!" Akame roared angrily

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" Akame attacked and sent the other four outside through the already broke window, she glared through her menacing now red eyes before went back to her seat and brood.

"?!?!?" the people around the room shivered look at the Yamanaka before the chatters slowly returned.

Akame stared at the necklace in her palm, her eyes were blank and no emotion. Many thought ran through her mind until she heard her name called out.

"Team 7: Fugaku Uchiha, Minato Namikaze.....and Akame Yamanaka. Your teacher is Jiraiya sama" sensie called

Normally Akame would blush but she made no motion at all, just staring at the necklace with a blank look on her eyes. Fugaku narrowed his eyes at the Yamanaka's behavior, he knew the girl would at least smile when she heard that she's team up with her not so secret crush that everyone in the village knows except the 'crush' himself.

Lunch came and Akame still didn't move, Kushina approached the blonde only to be beaten by the bullies calling the Yamanaka names and an 'Outsider'. Kushina frowned when she heard that word

"Hey Minato? Why do they call her an outsider? She was raised here right?" Kushina turned to the blonde male who shrugged, Fugaku sighed and spoke up.

"Everyone knows about her story. Mom told me that her mother is from Kumo and her identity is still unknown, and her father is a branch member of the Yamanaka Clan. Her mother left her in her father's doorstep and disappeared. She's also the only Yamanaka who can't do the Yamanaka Clan Jutsu, kids in the clan avoid her as well as adults because of their history with Kumo isn't good. The news about her spread around the village and kids starts to bully her and calls her an Outsider, the Black Sheep of the Yamanakas, and a Spy. She didn't really fight back; just let them beat her and walked away like nothing happened." Fugaku explained, the two watched Akame taking the taunting and teasing and did not broke her gaze at the necklace

"I say that she is weak, but she's has a good memory and information gatherer so that would count as useful but for others, she's hopeless" Minato commented, this got a glare from Kushina.

Akame heard the three clearly and almost cried when she heard them talk about her behind her back, plus the taunting and pushing from the boys. She finally snapped.

"KUNAI SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!!!" Akame yelled and threw a kunai to the bullies that multiplied and pinned them on the wall with their clothes.

"Leave me be. You can try and bully me tomorrow. An Outsider like me needs a break from time to time" Akame sneered before she sat back down and continue to stare at the pendant

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