Nothing Big

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Monday morning came along to fast, before I knew it I was sitting at my desk with pictures for an article about skin care products and proofing a column about the next Gay Pride parade.


I looked up to see Ashlin, a twenty something year old with bleached blonde hair and glasses on her face, a face witch was dotted with small red dots and some make up, But not an over amount, just enough to highlight her bridge hazel eyes.


"The latest issue is being put out of shelves tonight. Joshua wanted to know how many copies you wanted for yourself."

I thought about it for a minute, obviously my parents would want a copy, and my grandparents, plus my self of course. I wouldn't bother with my brothers, the chances of i being lost, ripped, or tossed in their care was high.

Then I thought, what about Clayton? He would want a copy as soon as it came out. And it would give me a good reason to call him.

"Five copies, if it's not to much."

"Of course." She said, before walking away.

I worked for a few hours more before packing my things up for the day, just as I was getting ready to leave though my cell phone started to ring and I cringed when my parents name popped up on the screen. With a sigh I held the phone to my ear, greeting which ever parent it was.

"Gabriel! Why didn't you tell us you were front page news!" My moms high pitched voice called out through the phone.

"I'm not front page news mom, my story just made the cover. It's nothing big or anything."

"Nothing big? Of course it's big. Your brothers are coming home next weekend for a little party we're having to celebrate. This is big new Gabby. You should be so proud of yourself Gabby. Invite your friends. I'm sure you've got someone to take with you. It's only small. No if's ands or buts. Mommy loves you see you Saturday! Five o'clock. Mwah!" And just like that she was gone, and I was somehow trusted into a family gathering that I had not for the life of me wanted to be part of.

Getting home I held the phone in front of me debating on actually calling Clayton, or just sending him a text message. But after avoiding his texts and calls for the last week I decided that calling him was probably the best route.

Sitting on my bed I dialed Clayton's number, and it rang. Once. Twice. Three time. Before going to his voice recording. So like the real wimp I was I hung up before the beep and hung my head sighing.

That was, until my phone rang and the picture of Clayton that I took the night we went bowling lit up my screen with his name. Not thinking twice I picked up.


"Hey, you just called?" Clayton words sent a pit into my stomach. He didn't sound happy. If anything it sounded like I was bothering him.

Maybe he's with someone else. Maybe hes out on a date.  His lips are on someone else.

"Gabe? Gabe are you still there? I can hear you breathing, are you okay?"

"Sorry. I'm still here. Sorry. Um." I coughed, clearing my throat. "I got a copy of the magazine for you. If you wanted it that is."

"Sure yeah. Wanted me to stop by tomorrow and get it? I would tonight but I have a meeting in like, fifteen minutes."

"No. Yeah. Tomorrow sounds fine. I should be home around six thirty."

"Alright well, I'll see you then."

"Okay. Um. Bye Clayton."

"Cya Gabe." He said, I was about to hang up when I heard him call my name again. "And Gabe. Thanks for calling me back."

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