Puppy Love (Niam)

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Liam's day didn't start out exactly right. For one he feels like he's barley off the ground and two he's on four legs. Doing a quick check-over he has determined he's a puppy. A small brown puppy. He honestly was lost on everything. Just how exactly did he become a punk? His tattoos and piercings were replaced with floppy ears and fur. His quiff of hair was now fur and he had no clue where he even was.

Liam took in his surroundings and determined he was in an alleyway. He wondered how he got there. Surprisingly he couldn't remember anything from the day before. So with no memory and no clue where he was besides a smelly alleyway he was stuck.

Taking into consideration the dangers of leaving the alleyway or staying, he determined leaving would be better. So he padded in the general direction that he assumed was out. Although it did take him a couple tries to walk straight. He face-planted the ground a couple times learning, but by the end of it he had figured out how to walk and run and was out of the alleyway.

....And shit. Liam really had no clue where he was and he had no clue of what to do. He tried getting any of the strangers walking past to help him, but everyone completely avoided him. Mean, yeah he could understand that when he was human. Being known as a first class troublemaker does that, but he was a puppy. Not Liam Payne the punk kid.

He quickly gave up hope and laid down to the side away from walking people. He wasn't fond of getting trampled. He ended up taking a nap. Being a puppy was tiring and it was more tiring since he didn't know what to do.


"Awh! Poor pup." Liam's ears perked up at the unknown voice and he suddenly felt a hand stroking his back. He lifted up his head to see the one and only Niall Horan. Of course complete with his normal Lilac hair and flower crown. Today it was lilacs, but they were blue instead of light purple like his hair. Really the only reason Liam even knew this kid is that he bullied him. Well...he didn't exactly. His best friend Zayn did, but he didn't exactly do anything to stop it. So...yea. This was quite awkward for him.

Niall once he finished petting the small puppy he looked to the pup's neck for a collar and hopefully a where to return him. With no collar and the poor puppy just lying on the ground, Niall took it upon himself to care for the puppy until he could put up flyers to see if he had an owner. Niall cautiously picked up the small puppy and when he didn't try to bite or anything, Niall figured he was safe. So Niall took the dog to his best friend Harry's house since he had a cat and would have more of an idea of what to do than Niall himself. He knew dogs and cats weren't taken care exactly the same, but kind of close right? In any case Harry's boyfriend Louis has little sisters who have a pet dog and he could also ask Louis for help. 


sooo yea, this is an idea i got for a fic. i'll probably continue it. i don't know yet.

this is my first time posting anything on wattpad so sorry if stuff is off.  this has also been posted on ao3 under the account ghostytommo and on tumblr under sunnytommo. just fyi.

you could comment so i know someone actually reads this.

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