Chapter 9

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Niall groaned. Louis and Harry didn't leave his house until late that night. They had been talking to him about Liam and the dangers of hanging out with him since he was Zayn's best friend. Niall though, didn't really mind. It wasn't like Liam ever did anything to him. Louis' argument was that Liam never tried to help him. Either way Niall didn't think he was such a bad guy. To which Harry pointed out that the boy did have a crush on the punk. That's when Niall kicked them out.

The boy really didn't want to go to school, but his mum would've killed him for missing school two days in a row even if it was because he was sick with a cold. So the lilac haired boy was getting dressed. He started looking around for one of his shirts, which he didn't find, but his room was a mess so he wasn't worried about it. Niall was ready to go, complete with a flower crown atop his head.

Once again Niall almost got tackled by his best mate. Although still being a bit sick he was weaker and stumbled backwards fell along with Harry on top of him. Both boys were in shock for moment before laughing it off. Harry got up first so he held a hand out to help Niall up.

"Maybe I should stop running full speed to hug you." He said and giggled. Throwing a arm around Niall's shoulder.

"Maybe." Niall was smiling and that was how the two boys entered into the school hallway.

Harry walked with Niall all the way to his own locker which is where the departed. They'd be meeting up again at lunch. Niall walked to his first class, English. He was a couple minutes early meaning no one was in there so he had pick of whatever seat he'd like. The boy picked the seat in the corner just because it helped him concentrate if he didn't have people behind him.

The boy sat and pulled out all required items for the class and once he was set up people started coming in, No one really taking notice to Niall and Niall not taking much notice to them. He simply pulled out a sketch book and began doodling.

He actually was pretty deep into the doodling that he hadn't noticed when someone had taken the seay next to him. The person ended up lightly tapping him on the shoulder to get Niall's attention. The boy looked up and blue eyes met brown.

"Hi Niall. I didn't know you took this class." Liam James Payne had sat next to him. He gawked for a moment because damn that boy was wearing his leather jacket and he was hot in it. Niall also took noticed that the shirt Liam was wearing that day looked like one of his own. When his regained his composer the boy carefully molded his face to a blank look.

"Yeah, I do. Maybe you would've noticed if you ever came here on time." Niall replied, joking. Both boys knew of Liam's consist lateness. Niall had always noticed when Liam had come late or not at all. It was one of those things he just noticed.

"I came on time today!" Liam argued back. He was smiling, in fact both boys were smiling, Niall couldn't just not smile at Liam.

"True. We should get you a gold star!" Niall said and then he threw his head back and started laughing. His flower crown fell off his head, but he was laughing too much at his own, quite terrible joke. Liam leaned over and picked up the flower crown that was lying on the ground.

"Oh, oh, put it on!" Niall finished laughing. He was now looking at Liam. Well the punk boy couldn't resist the chance to make Niall smile so he put the crown on. The once laughing boy was smiling. He wanted to take a picture of it. Wait, he had a phone.

Niall dug around in his backpack for a couple seconds until he found his phone. "Smile!" He said to Liam who was already smiling so he gave Niall thumbs up too. The boy took the picture and saved in to his phone. "Liam, I need your phone." He said handing the punk boy his own phone where he had his contacts list opened. Liam handed his phone to Niall where he added his number and put Niall :) as the name. He handed the phone back to Liam and got his own phone back where Liam had made his name as a simple Liam.

The boy was going to send a test text to Liam, but that's when the teacher chose to come in. So they had to put the phones away and both boys turned their attention to the teacher, Mr. Lester. Who looked a bit flustered? His black hair was a mess and his lips were swollen. Liam lean slightly to Niall and whispered "I bet he was just kissing the art teacher." To which Niall nodded. He would have to ask Louis about this at lunch since he had art first period.

At the end of first period Liam and Niall went their separate ways. Halfway through his second period Niall felt his phone vibrate and he discreetly checked it when the teacher wasn't looking. He smiled as he saw that it was from Liam.


I still have ur flower crown. peple ben giving me weird looks all period.

 Niall quickly texted back, the teacher was going on off some history thing that Niall already knew.


hey it suits you. btw your spelling is horrible.


...we're swapping.




yes, and you have no say in the matter.

also you're welcome it takes so much longer to text now.



thank you.


shit, my teacher caught me.

see u at lunch.

Niall pocked his phone. He wondered what this swap thing was that Liam insisted on doing. Guess he'd find out at lunch.


"Mr. Howell did too! That's it. They're dating. No doubt about it." Louis was smiling. "Pay up, Hazza." Harry handed Louis a ten.

"You guys bet on this?!" Niall wasn't sure what to think on the two teachers possibly dating, but it didn't affect him so why bother.

Niall dug into his food while Harry and Louis did their normal thing of staring lovingly into each other's eyes, then some friendly bickering, and then love eyes again. He was lost in his own thoughts until he felt a sudden weight on him. Like the weight of a jacket. He looked behind and there was Liam jacketless and still wearing Niall's flower crown.

"What?" Niall asked at the same time of Louis and Harry who were stopping the love eyes enough to find out what was happening.

"I told you. We're swapping. I keep the flower crown, you keep the jacket." Liam explained with a shrug like it was obvious,

"But this is more expensive than the flower crown!" Niall exclaimed and went to take the jacket off his shoulder, but Liam stopped him with a hand.

"Did you make this?" He asked and had a knowing glint in his eyes. Because of course Niall made it. He makes all of his flower crowns. The boy simply nodded at Liam. "Then it's one of a kind and can't be replaced. A jacket can be replaced. I'm going to leave now, before you give my gift to you back to me." And with that Liam walked off.

Louis and Harry stared in shock. "What the hell just happened?" Louis asked still staring at Liam who was now sitting and talking to Zayn. Zayn look just as shocked when Liam pointed to Niall in the leather jacket. Niall also had it on properly by that point. Louis nodded in his mind. Liam was winning him over. Especially with that look in his eye when he was taking to Niall. It was protective, friendly, and bit of developing love. Louis knew because he'd seen that look in his own eyes at pictures of him and Harry. 


holy shit tho guys this fic is in the niam library! I reapeat the feaking NIAM LIBRARY!!! I’m like freaking out. so here have an update to celebrate! also like this entire chapter is're welcome. 

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