Chapter 7

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Niall opened his blue eyes and then intently closed them. The bright morning light was too bright for the boy just waking up. He stretched out and yawned. He jumped in surprise when the blanket that had been draped over him fell to the ground. The boy stared at the blanket for a few seconds. He shrugged it off though. Something was missing. He knew something was missing, but he couldn't tell what exactly. He didn't have school today so it wasn't that. He had no clue. Niall figured it come to him so he wasn't too worried.

The boy walked into his kitchen to find some breakfast. As he was looking for the cereal he noticed the bag of dog food on the counter. He suddenly knew what he was missing. Liam. He didn't hear the puppy anywhere and last he saw of him was last night.

Niall searched the house, but no Liam could be found. He walked downstairs from his room to notice that the front door was slightly opened. His heart sunk. Niall could basically imagine what happened, He forgot to close the door all the way and Liam being a puppy and Niall always thought of puppies being adventurous, had left.

There was little hope for Niall when he went outside and looked around the neighborhood to catch a glimpse of short brown fur. When he didn't and had searched everywhere, Niall went back in his house. He sighed as he walked into the kitchen to be meet by the dog food on the counter.

He had an internal debate with himself of should I or should I not take the dog food back to Louis' where it'd be used. Eventually he chose taking it back. Niall packed up all the supplies Louis had given him a couple days before into a bag. He slipped on some shoes and began the walk to Louis' house.

The lilac haired boy reasoning for walking was that maybe he'd see Liam along the way and everything would be good! Sadly no. In the twenty minute walk from Niall's house to Louis' the boy saw no sign of his four legged friend.

Niall knocked on the door and waited for Louis to answer. The older boy did. Louis looked like he'd just gotten out of bed and instantly Niall felt bad. So he thrusted the plastic bag into Louis' hands and turned around to walk off. He felt as if everything was going wrong for him. First the incident with Zayn the night before and then Liam disappears and Niall can't find him. Now waking Louis up just set him off and he was almost in tears.

"Niall!" Louis' sleep filled voice called out before the almost crying boy could walk off the porch. Niall stopped but he didn't turn around. He didn't want Louis to see him close to tears. "Come back." He didn't have much of a choice at the older boy grabbed Niall's hand to pull him inside.

Niall went in, but kept his head down as he tried to hold back the tears. Louis led him to the couch and they both sat down. Neither boy said anything for a while.

Finally Louis spoke up. "So why are you returning Liam's things? Did the owner contact you?" Niall shook his head. He didn't see the sad look that past over Louis' face.

"So what happened?" The older boy's voice was much gentler than before and somehow that comforted Niall and he buried his head in Louis' shoulder crying freely now. He shakily started going on about everything that happened, but it was muffled by sobs and all Louis could catch was Liam and missing.

"Shh, Nialler, it's okay." Niall could tell that Louis had gone into big brother mode. He'd seen the older boy do it couple times when Louis' sisters got hurt.

Once Niall felt he could speak without crying more he lifted his head up from Louis' shoulder. He told Louis everything that happened. Like literally everything. "Liam is missing! I woke this morning and the door was opened and I'm sure he went out it because I couldn't find him anywhere. I tried Louis I really tried! I looked everywhere for him, but he's gone! Liam could've been hit by a car or someone could've injured him! I just- I don't want that to happen. And then I wake you up and now I'm crying and you probably hate me and Zayn was probably right that I am a wasted space and should die!" After finishing Niall had worked himself up and tears where streaming down his face.

"Shh, Niall, it’s fine. Okay." Louis said in a soothing voice and hugged him. He rocked both him and Niall side to side. "We'll find Liam okay? Even if we don't Liam was a smart pup, he knows what he's doing. Maybe he's becoming a leader among homeless dogs everywhere. As for me, you can always come knocking on my door if you're upset. Okay? Always, and Zayn, well Zayn is fucking wrong. You are not wasted and I don't want you to die. I don't want it, Harry doesn't want it, your family doesn't want it, and any sane person who knows you doesn't want it. Okay? So stop thinking about what Zayn said." By the time he'd finish speaking Niall had calmed down to sniffles.

The two just stayed like that though, both just comforting the other. They didn't pull apart until Louis' phone buzzed which made Niall pull away. "I should probably go back home." He said his voice crackly from crying.

"Are you sure? Will you be alright?" Louis asked and Niall nodded.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school okay?" He offered the older boy a weak smile.

Louis smiled back and pulled Niall in for another hug. "Okay, be careful."

And with that Niall left. He walked back to his own home in silence, just thinking about what Louis said to him and what Zayn had said to him. He wanted to just ignore Zayn's words, but they were always echoing in the back of his mind, along with Louis' words. The boy wasn't going to ignore Louis' words, he was going to keep them.

Niall was lost in thought and he end up taking a wrong turn which added five more minutes to his journey. It was just his luck that it started storming when he had ten minutes left to walk. The boy increased it to a jog, but by the time he returned home he was drenched from head to toe in water.

The boy wasn't in the mood to eat so he took a shower, changed out of his wet clothes, hung them to dry, and curled up in his bed to sleep. 

_________________________________________________ my own defence june got pretty busy for me. anyway uhhh i'm trying to get the rest of this written either before july begins or within the first week. this could fail, but i'm planning on doing camp nanowrimo where i will be writting another fanfic. (i dunno if it'll be malum or niam yet. cause i got idea for niam and i have idea for malum and i dunno which i wanna write first) So yea, updates will either skyrocket within the next couple of days or they'll get slow within july. anyway yeah. hope you enjoy this update also a little sneak peek.

liam (like actual human, talking, liam) will be talking to niall in the next chapter. whooo! 

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