Chapter 3

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Luckily for Niall he had found Liam on a Friday, since he spent the next two days posting flyers about him everywhere. Niall wasn't happy for Monday cause school, but he went anyway. He was almost tackled to grown when Harry launched himself at Niall. It happened every morning of school so Niall was fairly used to it, but it doesn't change the fact that he's still almost tackled to the ground. He hugged Harry back and regained his balance at the same time.

Harry let Niall go and swiped Niall's flower crown from his head and raced off. Niall laughed and chased after him. The two boys giggled and darted around other students. Harry spotted Louis with a crowd of students and quickly placed the flower crown on top of his head and raced in the opposite direction. Louis simply laughed at Harry's antics and left the flower crown on and continued talking to his classmates.

Niall hadn't noticed the missing flower crown from Harry's grasp and kept chasing him. Although with the two boys darting in between students one of them was bound to run into someone. It was Niall and he ran straight into Zayn. Niall fell back and Zayn stumbled slightly. As soon as the boy noticed who exactly he ran into the smile on his face was replaced with fear.

"Zayn! I'm sorry! I-" Niall started out a line of apologies, but Zayn held up his hand to stop Niall's rambles.

"It's...its fine." Zayn choked out and Niall couldn't help, but notice the broken sound of Zayn's normally smooth voice. Come to think of it, Zayn looked a bit sick. Niall couldn't help but stare and Zayn looked down to Niall. He noticed the stare and simply walked off.

Niall was frozen. He was confused and still on the ground, which is where Harry and Louis found him.

"Ni? Why are you on the ground?" Louis asked and held out a hand to help Niall up. The boy took it, he was still shocked by what happened, but then he noticed Louis wearing his flower crown.

"Why do you have my flower crown?" Niall asked back. He still was processing the information and didn't want to talk about what just happened.

"Cause it looks fabulous on me!" Louis replied almost jokingly. He did have to admit the crown actually looked good on him and it wasn't just because Harry had said something about him being cute in it.

"Oh. Would you like to keep it?" Niall asked,

Louis gapped, he wasn't expecting that. Niall was normally so protective of his flower crowns, the fact that he was offering was not a normal thing. Even Harry was shocked. Just as Louis was going to reply the bell for school rung and Niall said something about seeing the two of them at lunch and skipped off.


Niall noticed two things different in school before lunch. One was Zayn. He was quiet. Granted he was always more quiet, but even when the teachers called on him he was quiet. Normally if he didn't have an answer he'd reply with a snarky comment reminding Niall of Louis. But today he didn't. It was strange.

The second strange thing was Liam James Payne wasn't anywhere to be found. Niall looked everywhere, but Liam was absolutely nowhere to be found. Normally he and Zayn were attached at the hip. Getting into trouble together...Well more like Zayn getting into trouble and Liam pulling him out of it. Seriously it was strange that Liam wasn't there. Niall took note of this.

At lunch he was silent while Louis and Harry were arguing Star Wars vs. Star Trek. Honestly he wasn't paying much attention. He was thinking of Zayn and Liam. Maybe it was connected. Liam was missing and Zayn being quiet. He was still deep in thought over the best way to find out.

"I'm right Ni, aren't I?" Harry's voice barely broke into his thoughts and Niall just automatically replied, "Yeah, you are."

"OH MY GOD! Niall!" Louis yelled and Niall snapped all his attention to the now laughing boy.

"What?" He looked from Louis to Harry trying to figure out what was so funny. Louis whipped away the tears that were forming in his eyes. Yeah, he was laughing that hard.

"Do you know what you just agreed to?" Louis asked breathless.

"Something about Star Wars?"

"Nope." Harry popped out the 'p'. "You just agreed that you're bottom. Lou and I came to an agreement on Star Wars"

"I-Uh...." Niall sputtered trying to find words; he could feel the blush rising on his cheeks.

"Awh! Little Ni is blushing." Louis cooed and pinched Niall's redden cheeks.

"You’re weird Lou." Niall swatted at Louis' hand and hid his face. Just as Louis was about to say something else the bell rung and Niall had never felt so thankful for art class.

"Bye Haz, bye Lou." He leaped up and left the cafeteria leaving behind to giggly boyfriends.


Art class, while it wasn't one of his hated classes it wasn't one of his favorites. He walked in and took a seat in the back corner. Just as he sat down the teacher, Mr. Howell came strolling in with a leather jacket on, which made the girls swoon. Niall didn't deny that he was good looking but he didn't swoon. Niall noticed Zayn, who was next to him, roll his eyes.

Art class went perfectly fine almost the entire time. It was at the end things went south. Mr. Howell set an assignment to create a small comic and that it was a partner work. He listed off names which Niall zoned out at. He snapped his head up upon hearing his name. Cause oh shit this wasn't going to go well.

"Niall Horan and Zayn Malik."


hey look i finally updated! this took awhile. sorry about that. if anything i try for like weekly updates. try. i could fail. just yea. 

also yes i made the art teacher dan howell aka danisnotonfire. i have no shame.

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