Chapter 12

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Brunet strands of hair tickled the back of Niall's neck. His eye slowly fluttered open and angled his head around to see a sleeping Liam. He studied the punk's softened face. He could see the places where piercing were or still are. He grinned and stayed there looking at the other boy's face. Niall almost returned to sleep, but his alarm had sounded. The boy was quick enough to catch it before Liam woke up.

Niall carefully got of bed; he successfully made it so he didn't wake the sleeping boy up. He walked to his bathroom and studied his hair. The lilac was fading out and he didn't know if he wanted to dye it lilac again or go blond. Niall did toy with the idea of being pink or blue for a while.

Finally he went with blond on the logic that it'd be easier to dye different colors once blond. He grabbed the blond dye and set to work. He had to wait for thirty minutes for the dye to set so he walked to the kitchen and began some breakfast.

Half way through making the breakfast and finishing dying his hair, a sleepy Liam appeared. His clothes were crumpled, his hair a complete mess. The punk was rubbing one eye and Niall thought he looked like a little kid. He was smiling before he realized it.

"What?" Liam asked, a yawn escaping his mouth and he covered it quickly.

"Nothing. Here flip the pancake in a minute." Niall said as he handed a spatula to Liam then left to rinse out the dye.

When he returned with dried, fluffy blond hair, Liam had flipped the pancake and had started on another one. He placed the other pancake on a plate where Niall had been putting the pancakes. The brunet turned around, his mouth opened to speak, but it closed when his eyes landed on Niall's blond hair. The now blond blushed a little at the stare and slipped past to save the pancake Liam had abandoned to stare.

"Your hair is blond?" Liam stated, though it was implied more as a question.

Niall bit back the comment that had come to the tip of tongue. He determined in that moment that he'd been spending way too much time around Louis; the older boy's comebacks were rubbing off on him. So instead of what he was going to say he replied "Yes. Do you not like it?" The blond bit his bottom lip. He wanted Liam to like his new hair color. He was swearing to himself that even if the other didn't like it that he wouldn't change it, but he knew if Liam did say that he didn't like it that he would change it. No doubt. As he was thinking that another comeback that Louis would say popped into his mind.

"No, no, wait, I mean yes. Uh...." Liam paused then continued "I like the blond." He stated and Niall grinned.

"Great! Now let's eat some pancakes." The blond cheered and took the pancakes to the living room. The ended up sitting in silence with the only noise coming from eating pancakes. It was strangely a conformable silence which Niall only experienced with family then Harry and Louis. Everyone else it turned awkward, which had Niall prepared for the moment it turned into an awkward silence. Only problem is when the silence did come it wasn't for the reason he was expecting.

"Willyougooutwithme?" The brunet blurted. The blond did have to give Liam some credit for choosing a moment when Niall didn't have a mouth full of pancakes since his jaw dropped. The boy couldn't exactly believe what he heard, one Liam had said it fast and two it was one of the last things he'd ever expect to come out of the other's mouth directed to him.

"Can you just repeat that last thing?" He asked warily. He was worried this was a joke. Maybe somehow Liam had found out about Niall's crush and was going to pull a prank. Not that the boy had seemed like he would ever do that, but still he did have a reputation for being a heartbreaker. Even if Louis had said a couple days later that Daniella was the one who did the breaking up, Niall would still be wary.

"Would you go out with me?" Liam said slower, he averted his eyes from Niall's. The blond thought for a couple minutes. Liam let him think and didn't push it, but then silence was still awkward.

"Yes." Niall stated and then it was Liam's turn to be surprised. He could see the boy's expression change from worry to confusion to excitement.

"Brilliant! I could pick you up tonight if that's alright." Really Niall was liking this side of Liam more and more. While the bad boy look was hot on him, the blushy almost shy kind of look was adorable. The blond nodded. Liam smiled, "I'll pick you up tonight then at seven. Thanks for the pancakes and letting me stay over." The brunet leaned over and placed a quick small kiss on Niall's nose which surprised the boy even more.

Once Liam was gone, the nervousness set in. Realizing Niall had another couple hours to wait before he could start getting ready he spent watching telly and cleaning the whole house. As the time came closer he began to worry more and so he texted Harry.

To: Harry,
Liam asked me out on a date and I need help getting ready!!!! 

From: Harry,
I'll be right there! 

A half hour later a curly haired boy, along with a Louis Tomlinson not that Niall minded, came knocking on his door. 

"Okay, Ni. Let's get you ready, I want details on everything... also I love your new hair. " Harry said as he grabbed Niall's hand and went to his bedroom to help the blond get ready. 


NIAM DATE IN THE NEXT CHAPTEEEERRRRRR!!!!  also sorry this took a while. i was doing a sports camp all last week so I haven't had much time to wirte. (i also might have a problem with wanting to write too many fics....i have at least ten i wanna write. it's a problem)

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