NOTE- OC Star Info

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In my description for this book I mentioned a character called Star. She is my OC who I mainly use for Harry Potter but I cross her into other fandoms aswell, including crossovers in this book.

Those who are familiar with my works will already be familiar with her but since then I have tweaked her story quite a bit.

Star will be included in many chapters, but not all just like the other characters. When making requests be sure to say which characters you want included and not.

She is Hermione's best friend, the person who Hermione is most closest to in the group.

So here are some basic facts about her:


~Knee-length, golden hair, with two blonde strands at the back.

~Blue-green eyes with an out-of-focus look, since she's always distracted.

~Mainly seen with an emotionless expression.

~Thin, not slim.

~She is mainly of average/tall height (just taller than Harry) but between the ages of 11-14 stays almost the same height so soon becomes short as everyone grows.


~1000000000% chill apart from when it comes to dragons or something she is currently obsessed with. But a fantastic fighter, not strong at all but can knock someone down in a matter of moments without a scratch left on them.

~A fangirl just like Hermione, but not prone to fangirl attacks.

~Calls herself a 'Secret Shipper' because doesn't make large reactions to cute ships in real life. But on the inside she's celebrating. She can scroll through fanart and comics for hours.


~One moment she can be listening to something like Avenged Sevenfold or Hawkwind, the next Beethoven's 9th Symphony and Ride of the Valkyries.

~Huge bookworm, movie addict, anime& manga fan, lover of cartoons. Complete fangirl.

~Extremely quiet, often accidentally ends up sneaking up on people accidently.

~Animals are drawn to her. She is sometimes described as 'feral' and 'wild' because she is better with animals than people by a long way.


~As smart as Hermione but doesn't see it. Can be seen as a mix between Luna and Hermione.

~Knows Japanese, Latin, Russian, German and learning French amongst other things. Constantly learning and researching random things.

~Takes extra classes including learning about medicine and healing.

~Doesn't have a favourite lesson, or favourites of anything.


~Enjoys nature but is also a complete hermit, especially with Wi-Fi.

~She has next to no appetite. Eats more at night when she sneaks to the kitchens but even then it isn't much.

~Has a habit of figuring things out quickly and therefore knowing things before everyone else realises things.

~In sixth year onwards she has a tiny dragon called Gadzooks who can grow to any size she likes but prefers to either stay tiny or big enough for Star to lean against.

~She suffers from extreme social anxiety amongst other types of mental anguish( some will be shown in chapters).

~She also has pagophagia, which is a type of eating disorder where the person craves ice or iced things, as well as nighttime eating disorder, where the person doesn't get hungry during the day, instead at night.

~She is asexual aromantic, until 6th year where she loses the aromantic part. (And no this is not her being 'cured' or anything like that. She is still very much the same and she only had romantic feelings to one person. She remains an asexual aswell. I would never write it as being 'cured', I am merely looking at how sexuality/ romantic feelings are fluid, so can change.)

~This is because she begins to fall in love with Draco (there is a slight backstory to this). He loves her back.

~But with everything that goes on and even later the war, they only become official in 7th year (I imagine everyone attending 7th year, I like the idea so more ships can be wrote about). They'd admitted feelings for one another before then, but broke away because of the war.

(Its a bit complicated, and I had already thought of this before I realised the clichè. I promise this is more developed, has a backstory and just generally makes sense. Also, this is different from Dramione so please don't think of this pairing as like that.)

~She doesn't get traumatised by things that happen, but instead suffers with her own mental anguishes.

~She finds it very difficult to open up about things, and generally feels no need to tell personal stories.

I am currently writing her full story year by year. In stories there may be hints and mentions linking with this, but they will be explained briefly.

If you don't like me adding in an OC there will be chapters without her.

I don't want you all to think I'm trying to make her a centre of attention. I just came up with her story and it kept developing...And I like writing Hermione with a best friend. So yeah..

Do you like Star? Or is she clichè? That's a worry of mine..

Thanks for reading all this! ^0^

~babelfish311 ❤

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