Protecting Her~ Harry & Star AU

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WARNING: In this short there is mention of groping, but nothing excplicit or graphic.

Harry stared at the man before him in complete shock.

The current situation had happened rather quickly, and he was still processing what had happened. But at the moment, all he knew was that he needed to get out of the vice-like grip another man was holding him in.

Before him, Star was in a similar predicament.

"So...Are you going to tell me anything?" The man's cold voice sent a shiver down Star's spine as he leant in close to her. He had one arm around her throat, so she knew it was useless to try and say anything to Harry. The other was holding one arm behind her back.

"What?!" Harry cried out in shock. "No!" He yelled. The man holding his arms behind his back twisted one of them painfully, causing him to cry out.

He looked to Star, hoping he could see that she could get them out of this in some way. He knew she was good at that, and had faith in her skills.

"Oh? You're not going to tell me anything?" Star noticed how Harry was looking at her as if expecting her to do something.

She was thinking carefully about the situation, when she felt her arm that had been held by the man fall to her side. That was when she felt a cold hand slide under her t-shirt.

She let out a yelp of surprise, like a hurt puppy.

"What if I do this then boy?"

Star let out a whimper as she realised where his hand was headed.

Another, slightly louder and more startled one soon followed as he reached her chest.

Harry was in complete shock, yet still stared at her as if he expected her to find some way out of this.

She looked straight back at him, pleading with him to see that she couldn't do anything. Another wimper escaped her as she felt the man press against her.

Harry wasn't aware of the man behind him, he had completely forgotten. All he could see was what was going on in front of him. Why wasn't Star doing anything? She was better than these people, why wasn't she fighting back? It's what she would normally do.

That's when Harry realised.

Star wasn't some machine set to just fight, she wasn't some mindless drone there to help get him out of situations. She was human. She had weaknesses, she had feelings, she couldn't do everything on her own.

'I've been such an idiot', Harry thought, 'I've just been relying on her, even to the point where I expected her to just fight.'

He started to think.

How could he get out of this? What could he do?

He suddenly remembered that this kind of grip on him was the same one that Dudley always had him in when they were younger.

He knew exactly how to get out of it.

Bringing one one elbow forward sharply, causing the man to loose his grip, he drove the other into his gut.

The man made an oof noise as he reeled back.

"Oi! Hey!" The man groping Star shouted. He twisted around, and using the arm around her throat to instead grab her and hold her high.

With the hand he had over her chest, he slowly slid it round her back, before removing it from under her shirt. A loud 'snap!' was heard.

She dug her nails into him painfully, causing him to cry out. He refused to let go, until he saw the blood pooling around her fingers.

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