Oops~ Romione

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This is actually from the point of view of Star, and takes place during 8th year. It's classic awkward-soul Star.

A/n: Hope you enjoy this short little moment of Romione! Don't forget you can always give me requests X3.

Star had finished sorting through the papers on the desk she was at, placing them on top of a book with a content smile.

Grabbing another book, she noticed how Gadzook's had fallen asleep on it. Carefully she placed the dragon on top of another stack of books so that she could read.

She had just finished her Potions homework, which now lay rolled up just in front of her.

Surprised that she still hadn't emded up writing till the early hours of the morning because she had done the homework last minute as usual, she put her feet up on the edge of the desk and leaned back in her chair.

The book was laid out on her legs and she was getting engrossed in the story when she happened to zone out for a few seconds.

Apart from Ron and Hermione on the sofa near the fire, there was no one else in the common room. It was late at night, so it was normal.

That was when she noticed that her friends on the sofa were talking to each other in much quieter, deeper voices than in a normal conversation. They were talking in the type of voices they always had when they flirted with each other, something she had gotten used to from them doing it rather often.

Returning to her book, she once again got into the story. That was until she heard a sharp gasp, and several loud breaths from Ron.

Looking over in shock, and see that Hermione was no longer curled up next to Ron, and instead was leaning over him. They were having what looked like a heated make out session.

For a few seconds, Star could only look at them in a mixture of shock, horror and confusion.

Coming back to reality, and after seeing far too much tongue action and saliva, she grabbed her book to block them from view.

While she thought they were an adorable couple, that was not something she needed to see.

Especially when she was just planning on having a chilled night, not a front row view to her best friend's' make out sessions.

But, she had a problem. She knew that if they realised she was in the room they would instantly be flustered and awkward.

Not to mention that she didn't want to be rude.

Peeking around her book, she instantly regretted it and stared ahead of her with a look of awkward shock over her face.

She sunk to the floor, still hiding behind her book, and crawled under the desk.

Folding her legs and bringing them round in front of her, she gently put her book down onto the floor.

She covered her ears, thinking about the last time she had found herself in a similar situation.

It had been before Hogwart's had started, and she had been unfortunate to be in the room next to where Harry was sleeping. Needless to say she heard some noises that she really didn't want to hear when Ginny made her way into the room.

Luckily, she managed to block them out by putting on some headphones and blasting some music, thankful that here she could play her music because Ron's father had become obssessed with muggle times ever since she'd mentioned them.

Here, she didn't have that option.

Her DVD player was upstairs, and headphones somewhere in the blankets on her bed.

Sometimes, she really hated how she was too quiet.

Too quiet for her own good.

Her only hope was that it would end soon. Surely they would get tired or something right?

Soon her legs began to grow numb, from waiting and waiting in suspended horror. Cursing her awkwardness, she carefully got up and started to make her way across the floor, praying above all hopes that she didn't hit her head against the desk.

Eventually, after what felt like as long as it took for Harry to realise he was a wizard, she crawled out from under the desk.

That was when she remembered that Gadzooks was still sleeping on top of a book stack. Sighing louder than she planned, her head dropped and she stared at the ground.

This was all such a catastrophe.

She couldn't turn back, otherwise she could guarantee that what luck she had had in being quiet would soon run short and be replaced by her clumsiness.

Wondering how deeply the Dragon was sleeping, and tried to listen if she was snoring.

But two certain people couldn't be quiet for a few damn seconds.

Rolling her eyes, she knew she would just have to leg it up to the common room and hope that Gadzook's wouldn't mind.

Well, if she woke up she would soon see why she was no longer there. Or, the other side of the coin would be that she returned, and it was as if she was there the whole time.

But that would require having to keep going down to check if everything was not so...ack..awkward.

So, Star just crawled along the floor, passing behind other desks and chairs, and finally reached the stairs.

Loping up them, she reached her dormitory and stood up off the cold, stone floor. Vigorously dusting herself down, she entered, closed the door and flopped onto her bed.

The other girls were fast asleep, faint snoring could be heard from a bed further down the room.

Star quietly put on a loose tshirt and pijama bottoms. As quietly as possible she placed her sweatshirt, jeans and papers that had been on her bed on the bedside cabinet.

Falling onto her bed, she sighed loudly.

Sometimes, she wondered about whether some of the situations she got herself into belonged in a book about being a magnet for awkward situations, called "The Life of Star".

That's all her life seemed to be. She contemplated this as she settled down under the covers, huddling in the warmth.

Now, all she was thinking about was all the awkward situations she had been in.

It was going to be a long night.

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