Weasley Sweater~ Drarry

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"What on earth are you wearing Potter?"

Harry glanced down at his attire. He was dressed in the Weasley sweater he had unwrapped the previous evening.

He had celebrated Christmas Eve with the Weasley's and friends, and left Christmas to be spent with Draco.

Mrs Wesley had overestimated how much he had grown in the summer, so the sweater was almost twice as large as he was, and reached past his butt.

"Oh this? It's a Weasley sweater!" He said, smiling.

Draco raised an eyebrow.

"Every Christmas Mrs Weasley knits them."

"It's huge."

Harry laughed at how his boyfriend was just staring at him, with such a cute look of annoyed disbelief on his face.

"Haha yeah, I think she thought I would grow more from the last time she saw me," Harry glanced at his red, fluffy sweater, and realised something "but you know it makes it better for cuddling," he added.

He walked over to Draco and pulled him down with him as he sat on a lavish armchair behind them. Draco was curled up against him, completely engulfed in the sweater, Harry's arms around him.

After a moment, Draco spoke.

"Yes it most certainly does."

Harry chuckled slightly and kissed the top of Draco's head, earning a dusty pink blush in return.

"Harry, wear this for the rest of the day." At this, Harry cuddled Draco closer, so that he could kiss his cheek.

Draco leaned his head just next to Harry's.

After a moment, once again Draco broke the silence. Neither of them wanted to move, Harry always enjoyed cuddling Draco, and Draco could never say no. Especially with him in a soft jumper and looking ridiculously cute with that grin of his.

"Hey Harry?"


"Never take this off."

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