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         A/N: If you want this to be a Bts x reader just change Ji Su to y/n, I was debating on whether this should be a Bts x reader book or not but I just went with having the character be Ji Su. Hope you enjoy the book!!!


I'm going to Korea tomorrow, my flight is at 6:30, I'm meeting Hoseok at 10:00 pm at gate B2. Everything seems to be in order. "I hope that I still remember what Hoseok looks like, the last time I saw him was when he left to Korea to fulfill his dream or something, I never missed anyone more than I missed him, he didn't even tell me what he was leaving for except for the part where he was going to audition or something but that was a long time ago, almost three  years ago.  "I should get some sleep, tomorrow's a big day for me."

The next morning I get up at 5:00 and head to the airport. The flight so far is pretty boring, I sit next to this guy that looks to be like a year or two older than me. He was wearing a dust mask and sun glasses, which is kind of weird to wear on a plane. He didn't look very well. "Would you like me to get up so you can go to the bathroom sir?" I ask. "Oh no no no, shit down shit down, I'm fine thank you." That voice sounds familiar, like I've heard it somewhere before... "Omg, Kim Taehung?" I say almost spitting out the words. "Umm, hello." He says with a slurred accent. "Wow, it's really you! What are you doing on the plane to Korea from America? I didn't think that you guys were doing a tour in America." 

"I'm sorry I don't u...understand..."

Omg, I'm so stupid. I almost forgot that I can speak Korean.

"I apologize, I forgot that I knew how to speak Korean there for a second." I say in Korean.

Side note... Basically this entire fan fiction is meant for them to be speaking in Korean. I will tell you when they speak in English though. Sorry, I'll get right back into the story.

"Oh, you speak Korean? That's so cool, you barely have an accent at all." He says. "Thanks, I actually have a Korean speaking mom. When I was younger my dad would speak to me in English and my mom would speak to me in Korean but then my dad passed away so now I really only speak Korean at home but at school I speak English."

Taehyung looks down at his feet for a moment then looks back up.

"I'm sorry for your loss." 

"He died when I was pretty young so I don't have that many memories with him, but thanks anyways."

He nodded and we went back to sitting there staring at the back of the seats in front of us. I'm not really that big a fan of Bts, my sister loves them though so that's why I knew who Taehyung was. My sister was only twelve and already going crazy over them. I'm 18 and in my last year of high school. I got held back for one year because I had to take care of my mom when she was sick, I'm only behind on my language skills so that's why I'm going to Korea. Technically I'm in the same age group as me but I'm still in the 11th grade language. I'm graduating in a few months. 

Suddenly a head from the seat in front of us  pops out from above the seat and all I can see is his wide smile and handsome eyes. Waaaaaaaaiiiiiittttttttt.

"Hoseok!!!!" I shout and he looks at me in confusion.

I pull my mask off of my face and smile back at him.

" Ji Su!!! We're on the same flight! What a coincidence!" 

"Wait... You two know each other?" Says Taehyung.

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