A Late Arrival

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"We will be landing soon, please put on your seat belts." We here over the speakers.

Me and Junkook have been avoiding eye contact and Teahyung and Hoseok and I are playing rock paper scissors and stuff like that.

While the plane is landing I start to get air sick and unintentionally grab Teahyungs arm. He looks at me but I'm to focused on my stomach to notice. Then he hands me a water bottle and I gladly except it. I accidentally put my hand on his while grabbing the bottle and our eyes meet. We stay like that for a while then awkwardly look away. I take a drink of it then someone in the seat across from the one that Hoseok is sitting  in takes the water bottle out of my hand and starts drinking it.

"Much better." Says the boy that stole my water.

"Give that back."Teahyung says to him.

He turns around and I can see his face. He almost looks shocked and sad for a minute when he sees my face. He recovers and continues.

"No." He replies.

Holy pizza. I'd know that face anywhere. It's Park Jimin. We were friends all throughout elementary and middle school. Then one day we went to the beach together and we went swimming. I suddenly got a cramp in my leg and he saved me. He had to do mouth to mouth because there were no life guards around and it got very awkward once I figured out. We started avoiding each other after that, then we ended up going to different high schools and haven't seen each other since.

He then noticed me staring at him and gave me a nasty look.

"What are you looking at?" He stuck his tongue out at me.

I stood up and was about to give him a lecture when the flight attendant told me to sit down and put my seat belt on. I did what I was told.

I guess that he doesn't recognized me. That's too bad. Guess I'll find a good time to tell him. He's just like how he used to be, stubborn and naive. 


Jimins POV...

The plane ride was super boring. I sat next to Namjoon and next to us was Hoseok and Yoongi, behind us was Junkook and Jin, Teahyung was sitting next to this random girl. They started up a conversation but I didn't hear because I had my headphones on. I also couldn't see her face because she was wearing a dust mask at first, I stopped paying attention but she probably took it off to talk to them.

As we were landing I started feeling really sick. I asked Namjoon for a water bottle but he didn't have one. He said that Teahyung had one so I turned around and grabbed the first water bottle that I saw.

"Give that back." Teahung says.

I turn around ready to get in a fight when I see a familiar face. It's Ji Su, my childhood best friend. I remember the fun times that we had then I remember what happened between us and a shot of sadness goes through me. She probably doesn't recognized me so I ignore the fact that Ji Su is Ji Su and pretend that I don't know her.

"No." I reply.

I realize that Ji Su is staring at me.

"What are you looking at?" I stick my tongue out at her.

She stands up with an annoyed expression on her face, probably ready to give me a lecture, just like she used to do when we were younger. The flight attendant asked her to sit down though, so I was safe for now.


Ji Su's POV

"We are sorry for the interruption but we will be arriving a few hours late to Korea because of weather conditions so you may leave your seat and unbuckle if needed." We hear over the speakers.

I immediately get up, grab Jimins hand, pull him out of his seat, and drag him to the back of the plane. All of the other members watch us leave with confused expressions but I honestly don't care, I have to tell Jimin who I am.

When we get to the back of the plane where the bathrooms are I stop and turn towards him. He has a confused expression on his face.

"I know that you know who I am." I say.

He looks down at his shoes for a long time then looks me right in the eyes.

"Yeah... I just ignored it because I thought that you didn't recognized me, and even if you did you probably wouldn't want to see me."

My brows furrowed.

"Why wouldn't I want to see you?" I ask.

"Because you hate me. Ever since that day..." 

It suddenly gets really awkward.

"I don't hate you. In fact I've missed you so much, and I'm really glad to see you. I'm also super surprised that you're a member of Bts."

 Who knew that three of my best friends were going to end up in the same band. I haven't met the rest of the members though.

He stood there in shock.

"Y..You missed me." He says.

"A lot." I reply.

Suddenly my arms move without knowing and I'm hugging him. I can feel his heartbeat.

He just stands there shocked. He slowly moves his arms around my shoulders and hugs me back. For some reason I feel safe in his arms.


Hello again. I've decided to make Ji Su have some type of relationship with each member of the group from their past. All I've really said about Hoseok is that they were best friends and stuff but I'll get deeper into that stuff in a different chapter. Teahyung and Ji Su actually have a very very intense back story with each other, Ji Su just doesn't recognize him so that's why I haven't said anything about that yet, but I'll also save all of that stuff for another chapter. Any who, thanks for reading, and sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.

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