Short chapter because I didn't feel like finishing it.

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We sit at the table eating our cereal in silence. Yoongi is glaring at me and has been for the past twenty minutes.

"Ok, I'm sorry, I was just super surprised and wasn't thinking, why were you even sleeping in the same bed anyways." I break the silence. 

"You're the one that wouldn't let me sleep on the ground, and there was not reason to push me off of the bed!" He replies.

"I've told you a billion times, I'm sorry." I say.

He doesn't reply. I look over to the clock, 7:15.

"Crap, I'm late." I say while standing up and putting my cereal bowl in the sink and rush over to my backpack.

"Are you coming Yoongi?" I ask.

"I'll catch up." He replies while he grabs his back pack.

"Ok." I say and walk out of the apartment.

I think that I'll take the stairs.

While I'm walking down the stairs I decide to call my mom and tell her about the situation that we are in.

"Hey mom, how are you?" I ask when she picks up.

"I'm fine, Me and Mr. Min have gone on our first date, I really like him." She replies.

I laugh nervously.

"Is something wrong? Did something happen when you were at Yoongi's house?" She asks worriedly.

"Welllllll... Mr. Mins son is Yoongi."

There is silence.

"Mom?" I question.

Maybe we lost connection.

I hang up and continue walking down the stairs.

When I get to the bottom I see Yoongi. 

"How did you get here so fast?" I ask.

"I used to elevator, no duh."

"Are you really that lazy?" I ask.

"Why would the elevator be there if nobody used it?" He asks.

"Ugh, let's just go, we're going to be late." I reply.

And with that we carry on our day(and I am just to lazy to finish this chapter, sorry)

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