The Decision

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Taehyungs POV

The thing is... I can recognize Ji Su, but she doesn't recognize me.

A long time ago when we were both in middle school my family started losing money. I was too young to get a real job so I went to my aunt for help. She owned a restaurant and I wanted to do some work there. She hired me and said that she would pay me, but it wouldn't be enough to pay for my families expenses. I took the job anyways.

"You aren't the first person your age to want to work here. A young girl about your age was asking for a job about two weeks ago. She said that she went to River Bay Middle School so you might know each other. Her name is Ji Su." My aunt told me.

That was the first time that I'd heard of Ji Su.

"I'll give you the job but it won't be enough to be able to do anything for your family except for put some bread on your plate." 

"I'll take the job anyways. I don't think that there is anywhere else that would hire me." I reply.

"Good, you can go and wash the dishes. When you're done with that help Ji Su with taking the orders."

I walk back to the kitchen and start cleaning the plates. I look around but don't see anyone else in the kitchen. Suddenly a face pops up from out of nowhere.

"Hellooooooo. Are you the new guy? Taehyung right?" I still can't tell who it is because I am still in shock and her face is too close for me to tell.

She takes a step back giving me some room.

"Y-yeah. That's me." I say.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Ji Su. But you can just call me Ji Ji." She says with a closed eye smile.

"Nice to meet you too."I reply.

"How old are you? What school do you go too? Do you like music? Because I love music!!!" She says super loudly and fast.

"I'm seventeen years old. I go to River Bay Middle School. I love music as well." I reply.

"So, why are you here?" She says.

"Why do you want to know?" I say.

"Just curious."She responds.

"We should probably get back to work."She says then walks back and starts putting fries onto a plate and walks out the door.

"What an interesting character." I say to myself.

After a few minutes I'm done with the dishes and start to help Ji Su with the orders.

On our brake we talked about a ton of random things.

"Do you want to know why I'm here?"She says when we sit down holding sandwiches that she made.

"Sure."I reply.

"Well, I really want to go to a musical arts high school but all of the ones in the area cost a ton of money so I'm going to save up."

"Oh, that's cool. I would also like to go to a music school but my family doesn't have enough money at the moment." I say.

"Well, you still have the rest of this year."She says.

I smile at her.

"By the way, my aunt said that you go to the same highschool school as me." I say.

"Oh yeah. We've never seen each other because I'm only sixteen."She responds.

"Oh, I see."I say.

"So, do you play an instrument?" She says.

"Well, I can play the saxophone, piano, and I like to rap and I can also sing."I respond.

The 8th member(Bts)/ Bts x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora