Chapter 2

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Nathan's POV

Bailey finished showing me around so I go and change into my scrubs. I tug at my clothes and start walking but not looking at my surroundings. I bump into someone and automatically grab the person by their arm. As I look to see who I bumped into. I stare into these eyes that I remember from earlier today, Meredith's.  

We stare at each other for a few seconds. Then as soon as I realize what I'm doing I let her go. "Ahhh, I'm so sorry" I say while looking down trying not to show my embarrassment. "Watch were your going,ahh Riggs. Right?"  She said. "Yea and ok" I say is walk away trying to hide my face. I continue my already "great" day by meeting so patients and doing a surgery, which took 4 hours.

It was night, when the surgery finished I was tired. I go change and start to walk to the entrance. As I'm walking I stop as I see Meredith with a baby in her hands, Maggie with a little girl and a man with a boy on his shoulders. All walking together. I don't think much of it till I go to my car.

And since our cars are near each other I hear the little girl say "MOM!!! Bailey's messing with me!" Then I  hear Meredith's voice,"Bailey leave your sister alone!"
Then my head goes straight to jumping conclusions.

She has children so she must be married? It that man that was with the boy her husband? Then I think to myself, why do I care. She's just my coworker,nothing more nothing less. Plus I don't think she's not that fond of me since I bumped in to her.

I drive home think about my bed. Ahh must be really comfy. I get home and lay in my bed. I close my eyes and as fast as that I'm asleep.

Meredith's POV

After talking to Amelia and Maggie, i remember that I forgot my phone in my purse. Im walking and as I turn the corner to go into the room. Someone bumps into me, and as I look up to see who it is. I see his eyes first without noticing he has grabbed my arms. I stare at him, and we stay like that for a few seconds. Then he lets go, he apologizes but I snapped. I tell him to watch where he's going and then he walks away.

After my encounter with him, I continue with my work. A man with a gsw to the chest comes in and then me and Maggie treat him.  He survived which was the point. Its night already, I go and get the kids from day care. Maggie walks with Zola, Alex with Bailey, and me with Ellis. We walk to the car and drive home.

After two hours of trying to get Ellis to go to sleep I succeed. I lay down and close my eyes to sleep, then blank.

*sorry if this it boring. Promise that the next chapter is gonna be better.

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