Chapter 10

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Nathan's POV

It's been a few weeks since Maggie's mom and sadly she died. Maggie came back to work and seems to be good. But everyone can put up a brave face on. I check in with some of my patients and hear some nurses talking about a surgery she's suppose to be in. "I hear that it's complicated. Do you think that she's over her head?" I hear one of the nurses say as she walk past me.

I ask one of the nurses which gallery and says gallery 1. Me and others doctors go to the gallery to watch Maggie's first surgery since she has been back. There were some complications but the child survived and Arizona stitched the baby back up.

As I'm watching Arizona close up, Meredith walks in from of me and taps my chest then walks away. I follow her. "Tonight. Sabrina's Restaurant. Lets go have a drink and have a conversation" she says quietly. "Like a date?" I ask, confused. "It's not a date. It's two people hanging out to see if the enjoy hanging out together"she says. "8:00" she says. "It's a date" I say. "It's not a date" she says then walks away.

I stand there for a while smiling like a idiot. I snap back to reality then continue with my day. I continue to work on my patients and do some consults. I bump into Arizona, "Hey Arizona can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask her. "Sure" she says. We walk into a on call room. "Ok since you kind know about.. you know. I would appreciate it if you didn't tell everyone for now" I tell her.

"Oh ok, I won't. What your business is your business" she says then walks out. I sigh in relief. It's 7:50 and I get a text from Meredith saying she can't go. I'm confused. I change into my clothes and walk to my car. I go to Meredith's house and I knock on the door ,and she opens it. She looks beautiful. I forget what I came here for.

"Hey" I say. "I can't go" she tells me. "Okay. Why not?" I ask. "Because Maggie came home early from work, and she's very upset" she says. "I thought she was fine" I say. "No, she's not fine. She's a mess"she says. "Okay. Can we reschedule" I ask. "I have- you can't be here, Goodbye" she says then closes the door.

"Oh, come on" I say. She opens the door back up, "Oh,come on?" She asks. "Okay, you weren't suppose to hear that"I say. "Her mother just died" she says a bit angrily. "I know. But, you and I both know how grief comes and goes. Look, Peirce will be going through this the rest of her life. Look, I know you think she needs backup, but she can handle herself" I say.

"I have people to take care of, and you are not one of them" she says and slams the door. I stare at the door for a few seconds, what did you say? "Ughhhh" I say softly so she doesn't hear. How can I be so insensitive? Bad move Nathan. I go to my car and go to a bar.

"Hey joe, give me a shot of your finest tequila" I say sitting down. "That bad huh?" I hear someone ask, and I turn. Its a girl, and that's the last thing I remember before I completely black out.

I wake up all groggy, the sun burning my eyes. I'm so hungover, I look around and I see my clothes on the floor. I turn to see who's and he other side. It's...

Meredith's POV

It's been a few weeks since Maggie's mom and sadly she died. It never gets easier, losing someone you love. Seeing them smile then a second goes by and your looking at their coffin. Mark, Lexi, George, my mom, Adele, and Derek.

Today's Maggie's first day back, and she's working with Arizona on a baby. They did a surgery and the baby survived. Everyone in gallery is so happy. I walk in front of everyone and tap Nathan's chest.

I walk into the hallway, checking if anyone is looking. "Tonight. Sabrina's Restaurant. Lets go have a drink and have a conversation" I says quietly. "Like a date?" he asks, confused. "It's not a date. It's two people hanging out to see if the enjoy hanging out together" I say back. "8:00" I say. "It's a date" he says. "It's not a date" I says then walks away, smiling.

I continue my work and even manage to squeeze in a surgery. I go into the lounge around 7:20. "Uhhhh. What a great day. I have a date with Nathan and I get a surgery in" I say quietly. Just as I'm going to sit down I get a call from Amelia.

"Uhh Mer, can you come? Maggie came home and I was dropping off the kids at your house and I found her crying" she says worried. "Why what happened?" I ask. "I don't know I just found her crying and drinking on the couch. PS the kids are all asleep"she says. "Okay I'll be there and thanks" I say to her before I hang up.

I change into my clothes, walk to my car, and start to driver home. I get home and remember about Nathan, it's 7:53. I take out my phone  and send "Sorry Nathan can't go tonight, something came up" to him.

I walk into the house and turn into the living room to see Amelia hugging Maggie, who has a bottle in her hand. I walk over to Maggie and sit next to her and hug her. We stay like that for a few minutes then we pass the bottle around. I hear the bell ring, I open the door and see Nathan.

"Hey" he says. "I can't go" I tells him as I look over to Maggie and Amelia. "Okay. Why not?" he asks me. "Because Maggie came home early from work, and she's very upset" I say. "I thought she was fine" he says. "No, she's not fine. She's a mess" I tell him. "Okay. Can we reschedule" he asks me. "I have- you can't be here, Goodbye" I say then closes the door.

"Oh, come on" he says quietly. Really? I think to myself. I opens the door back up, "Oh,come on?" I asks. "Okay, you weren't suppose to hear that" he says. "Her mother just died" I say as I start to get mad and annoyed. "I know. But, you and I both know how grief comes and goes. Look, Peirce will be going through this the rest of her life. Look, I know you think she needs backup, but she can handle herself" he says.

I snap,"I have people to take care of, and you are not one of them" I say and slams the door. How could he say that? How can he be so insensitive? But this is not about me. I have to think about Maggie. I have to help her, just because someone is strong doesn't mean they can show emotions. Everyone has their weaknesses.

I turn to see Maggie still in her sad state. Still drinking, dancing. We need to dance. I walk to the speakers and play some music. "What are you doing?" asks Maggie. "Come on. Get up!!" I say as I start to dance. Amelia and Maggie get up and start to dance with me. We start to loosen up. We start to laugh. Something we all needed.

We start to drink some more, and I don't remember much from there.I wake up, I don't know what happened. My head hurts, why doesn't it hurt. I look around, I have no clothes on. This isn't my house. The sun hits my eyes almost blinding me. I try to cover it with my hand. I turn to see who is on my side  It's..

Hope that you like it. I got another chapter done in 1 day but will post it Saturday. Then maybe by that time I'll leave 1 or 2 chapters done. And please comment telling me who Meredith with wake up and Nathan too! 😉 thanks for liking the story ✌️and be ready to maybe be shook

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