Chapter 4

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Nathan's POV

After asking Meredith out for a drink, I feel amazing. All I can think about is her, and how tonight is gonna go. I treat all my patients and have enough time to do a surgery on a guy that came into the E.R. And just like that the clock strikes 11, I change and do hair. I drive a cross the street to the bar. I order a beer, and sit there nervously, waiting for her. And as I take a sip of my drink, I see a hand wave at me, it's Meredith. I stand up, and smile.

She looks beautiful, she has a pair of black pants and a burgundy shirt with a v neck just long enough to make a man wonder. She has makeup on and she did her hair, just for me. I gesture my hand to the chair, as she walks closer to me. All my thoughts are gone, all I can think about is how beautiful she is.

"Stop. Please your looking at me weird" she says as it knocks me back reality. "Huh. Oh it's just...Wow you look wow" I say as a smile. "Thanks.But you know I'm kinda your boss right?" she says I look confused. "How?" I say,"Well I pay to keep the hospital running so I'm kinda your boss" she says. "Ohhh sorry. It's just that my "boss" looks quite good tonight" I say as a move a little closer. "Well I hope so" she say as she goes closer to my face then turns to order a drink. She messing with me, I think to myself.

"I'll have two shots of tequila please Joe" she say to the bartender. "Sure no thing Mer" day joe. "You to know each other?" I ask them, "Yeah, saved his life, a while back and I'm sorta a regular here" she says. Joe bring the shots, then one two three they're gone. I see Meredith loosen up a bit after that. "So what brought you to Seattle?" she asks me. "Just wanted a new start,you know?" I say, "Yeah I understand" she says. I see her eyes look behind then she brags my hand, and drags me to the dart board.

"You know how to play?" she asks, "Yeah but can you?" I say laughing. We order two more shots then start playing, I go first. Then she goes and hits the outer ring twice, I laugh as she misses the center. She walks over and smacks my shoulder. "Oww"I say laughing, "show me how you do it" she asks whiningly. "Okay okay but if you miss, you're buying the next round" I say, "okay" she says.

I get up and grab the darts, then explain to her how I angle my arm and how I throw with my wrist. I give her the darts then she stands in front of the target. "Like this?" she asks, "Nooo" I groan.  She's doing it wrong, I get up and go right behind her. I put one hand on her waist and my other hand on top of her hand that's holding the darts. I angle her arm right then explain to her again, and at this time is when I process where my hand is. I turn my head to look at her, at the moment we stare at each other which feel like forever.

"Here's the drinks guys" says joe as he sets to shots down. Which knocks us back into reality, "Uhh thanks" we say. I sit down, as Meredith just stands as we both drink our shot. She finishes it and goes in front of the target and throws the darts. She throws one and it hits the second ring, then throws another which gets closer, then throws her last dart, she hits the center. " I did it!I did it!" she says as she hugs me. I smile in surprise as she does, "great!" I say.

As she calms down and releases me from her hug, we stare at each other. Just inches between us, I feel my heart race. "Thanks" she says, then the night goes on. It's 1:30, when we check the clock.

"Ohh I have to leave. I have a surgery at 9" she says. "Oh ok let me walk you to your car" I say. I pay for the drinks, then walk her to the car. "You can drive right?" I ask, "Oh yeah I'm fine, I just had 3 shots." she says. "Well okay. Good night then I had a good time" I say as I walk away. "Nathan" she say as I turn around. She pulls me closer to her, just inches apart. "I've been meaning to do this all night" she says as she smiles then kisses me.

The kiss intensifies, as our bodies move together. I push her against the car door,"This could make things-" I say but get cut off," oh just just shut up! " she says. I lift up her shirt just enough to feel her warm skin, as I feel her hands go threw my hair. I open the car door slightly, then pick her up then lay her in the back seat of her car. The rest of that night is just between us.

* Ha you guys thought I was gonna tell you what happened in the car. 😏 But no! And sorry about just having Nathan's POV it got pretty long so next chapter is going to be Meredith's POV. Leave comments telling me what you you guys want to read. Thanks

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