Chapter 12

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Meredith's POV

I wake up, I don't know what happened. My head hurts, why does it hurt. I look around, I have no clothes on. This isn't my house. The sun hits my eyes almost blinding me. I try to cover it with my hand. I turn to see who is on my side it's... William.

"Will?" I groan as I slowly sit up. I see him slowly opening his eyes. "Yeah. Good morning Mer" he says smiling. "God. What happened last night? My head hurts" I say. "Well you were drinking, texted me to come and well we ended up at my place as you can see" he says.

I gasp, "what time is it?" I ask him. "9 o'clock. Why?" he asks. "Ohh crap! I'm late for work" I groan as I get up, put the sheets around me and look for my clothes. "Oh yeah. I forgot Grey Sloan Memorial right?"he asks me. "Uh yeah" I say.

I find all my things and rush to the door, "Hey Will it was nice to see you again under better circumstances" I say with a smile then close the door. I head to the elevator and go down to the lobby. I hail for a taxi since I'm pretty sure I left my car at the bar.

I'm sitting in the taxi smelling like alcohol. Times like this I'm really happy that I keep an extra pair of clothes in the attending's room. I get the hospital and rush to the attending's room and take a quick shower, then change into my scrubs. I finish getting ready then hurry to check on my patients. They're all fine, then I get called to the pit for a consult.

I go down and see that it's Maggie who called me. I go into the room and see a girl on the gurney. "Hello I'm Meredith I hear that your having some stomach problems may I see" I tell the patient. She nods and I check her it seems like she has internal bleeding so I the nurse to prepare an O.R.

I walk out to prepare for the surgery, "So how did it go last night?" asks Maggie. "Ohh yeah I was good I think I kinda don't remember but Will was great" I tell her. "Oh it was William who took you from us okay but I thought that you and Riggs?" she says. " Well I don't know" i say then ask her what happened last night and she tell me everything. "Well it seem like that was an interesting night" I tell her.

"I'm gonna go get ready" I tell Maggie and walk away. I'm walking to the elevator then I see him, Nathan. He's hugging someone, a woman. I stop in my tracks, the smile from my face disappears. I feel this feelings start to bubble up inside me, anger, jealousy.

They part and then the woman sees me. She pretty, and a redhead. "Hi I'm Megan" she tells me. I pause, "Uhh hi I'm Meredith I work with Nathan" I tell her. Nathan finally turns to to look at me and tells me that she's an old friend and that they were in Afghanistan together. I say that its cool. It kinda gets awkward then Megan says she's leaving him so he can get back to work then gives him his phone. The jealousy washes over.

She leaves,"So.. old huh?" I ask him. "Umm it was a long time ago" he tells me. I start to get angry,"Then why is she here" I ask him. "Well I left my phone and she brought it" he tells me. "Why does she have your phone? Ohhh never mind you to slept together." I says angrily. "Hey don't get mad. Remember you never said we were anything plus I thought we were done after what you said" he tell me getting closer.

I stares at me, he has a point why did I get jealous, I walks away. "So that's what your gonna do huh?" he says, then follows me and pull me into a on call room. "I'm sorry what I said to you about Maggie. It's just that after what happened I went to a bar.  And Megan was there and I guess we started drinking and yes we did sleep together. I've known her for a long time" he tells me as I stare at the door, I can't even face him.

"It's fine. You're right, I never said we were anything. You know what since were being honest. I slept with someone too." I say than turns around, my eyes tearing up a little. "What?" he asks almost laughing. "Yeah it was last night. Me, Maggie, and Amelia went to a bar to cheer ourselves up. And I met this guy and we hooked up. So now you don't have to feel sorry" I tell him.

"Meredith! Ughhhh! What is this then?! Nothing?" he asks. "I guess. So now you can go be with Megan. Right?" I tells me. "Bye Nathan" I say then walk out. I walk through the halls then go in to a closet. I sit down and feel tears roll. I get up after a few minutes. " No Meredith. You will not cry" I brush off my clothes and walk out. I continue to do my work. Then finally 11 o'clock. I change clothes and walk to the elevator.

"Finally I can go home" I tell myself. Then the doors open I start to walk to the front doors then I see Will. He gets up and walks towards me. "Umm.. Hi" he says smiling. "Hey what are you doing here" I ask him confused. "Uhh well you left your wallet" he says then hands it to me. "Ohh thanks. Since you're here... do.. you want to go for drinks. Just drinks I really need to relax?" I ask him.

"Sure" he says then we walk together to the bar. We walk in and sit down. We order our things. We get them then start talking. "So how have you been doing?" he asks. "Well I've been good the kids too" I tell him. "Do Zola and Bailey still fight?" he asks and I laugh. The doorbell rings and I turn. I see them, Nathan and Megan. My smile gets wiped away me and him lock eyes. I break the stare then turn back to Will. "I'll be back got to use the restroom" I tell him then get.

I start to walk away and I feel his eyes following me. I close the door to the restroom and start to breathe normally. I start to pace then the door opens, it's Nathan. "What are you doing?!" I tell him. "Who's that?! The guy you slept with?" he says almost yelling. "That doesn't concern you, okay? Go to Megan" I say then open the door. He closes it and turns me around looking straight at me.

"It does, okay? Plus she's not the one I like" he says the gets closer. I freeze, I don't know what to do. Screw it! I close my eyes and kiss him. His hand glide to my waist and mines to his hair. I just love it. The kiss intensifies, then.....

-Hey guys hope you had a good New Years. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Hope you liked this chapter.

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