Chapter 11

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Nathan's POV

I wake up all groggy, the sun burning my eyes. I'm so hungover, I look around and I see my clothes on the floor. I turn to see who's and he other side. It's... Megan. "Megan?" I ask her groggy. I see her eyes open. "Yeah?" She says as she wraps her arms around me.

"What happened last night? " I ask her as I gently take her hand off of me and get up. "Well I went to a bar after coming back from Afghanistan, and you were there. I didn't expect to see my fiancé after 2 years of being off the grid" she says.

"What happened to you? Do you know how worried I was." I say to her as I can't take it anymore, I missed her. I gave her a hug. I look at my phone, 10:30. "CRAP!" I groan and change into my clothes.

"Where are you going?"she asks. "Uhhh I'm late for work, I work at a hospital now. Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital" I say quickly. "Great, okay. It was great to se you again Nathan" she tells me. I walk to the door and turn to her, "Yeah it was. But we have to talk."

I close the door and run down to my car. I get in to the car and rush to the hospital. I get to the parking lot and run inside. Go to the lounge and change into my scrubs. "Ohh great he finally decided to make it to work" I hear Bailey say. "Sorry I-my alarm didn't go off" I tell her panting.

"Just go to your job" she tells me as I watch her walk off. How can someone so small make me so scared? I turn around and see her, smiling looking at the board. "Meredith" I sigh quietly. I put my hands in to my pockets and walk over to her but freeze mid way to her.

I remember Megan. I feel guilty, I know we aren't officially going out but it felt like we were. I felt like I cheated on her. I thought Megan was dead since I never heard from her after she took off and we had our fight.

I see her walk away and get into the elevator and smile. Not seeing me but I see her. I start to walk but it's to late, the door closes. I see Arizona checking her charts. "Hey" I say. "Hey Riggs what with the long face?" she asks me. "Nothing just a little problem but I'll fix it. Some how" I tell her as I feel a little weight being lifted off my shoulders. It's good to have someone to talk too.

"Oh ok well see you around" she tells me and walks away. I walk away and finally start to check on my patients. I do a few minor operations and that's all. It want to see what time it is. I check my pockets to see if my phone is there. "Ughhh I left it at the house" I tell myself.

"Excuse me. What time is it?" I ask one of the nurses. "5:30" she tells me, I thank her. I start to walk to the lounge and pass the lobby. "HEY!"I hear someone yell, I turn and it's Megan. "Hey! What are you doing here?" I ask her. "Um you left this"she says as she takes out my phone. "Ohhh thanks"I say and hug her. Out the corner of my eyes I see blonde hair and smell lavender, Meredith.

We finish hugging, but I don't.... can't look at Meredith. I see Megan smile then finally sees her. She turns towards, "Oh hi, I'm Megan" she says then extends her hand towards her. "Ohh uh hi I'm Meredith. I work with Nathan" she says. I can finally get the courage and turn to see her.

"Hey Mer, Megan is an old friend. We were in Afghanistan together" I tell her. "Oh cool" says Meredith. "Yeah. Umm so I'll leave you to work and here's your phone" says Megan than walks away. "So.. old friend?"asks Meredith. I feel my throat feel dry. "Umm it was a long time ago"I tell her.

"Then why is she here" she asks. "Well I left my phone and she brought it" I tell her. "Why does she have your phone? Ohhh never mind you to slept together." Meredith says angrily. "Hey don't get mad. Remember you never said we were anything plus I thought we were done after what I said" I tell her getting closer.

Meredith stares at me and walks away. "So that's what your gonna do huh?" I say, but follow her and pull her into a on call room. "I'm sorry what I said to you about Maggie. It's just that after what happened I went to a bar. And Megan was there and I guess we started drinking and yes we did sleep together. I've known her for a long time" I tell her as I stare at her back. She doesn't even face me.

"It's fine. You're right, I never said we were anything. You know what since were being honest. I slept with someone too." She that than turns around, her eyes tearing up a little. "What?" I ask almost laughing. "Yeah it was last night. Me, Maggie, and Amelia went to a bar to cheer ourselves up. And I met this guy and we hooked up. So now you don't have to feel sorry" she tells me.

"Meredith! Ughhhh! What this then? Nothing?" I ask. "I guess. So now you can go be with Megan. Right?" She tells me. "Bye Nathan" she says then walks out. I don't want her to leave. But what can I do? I sit down and just stare into space.

I just let her go. She slept with someone else? His hands in her? I don't want to think about that. I get up and start to pa e around the room. I don't know what to do? To feel. I feel mad, sad, aggravated, every. I take out my phone and see a note. "Text me so we can catch up -Megan" I read out.

"Hey let's have a drink, meet me in the lobby at 9:30" I text her. I get a text back, "okay".

I know. I know. You guys Nathan and Meredith together but I felt it was better if there were other people. More drama I guess is what I want. And Nathan's POV was too long so I'll post Meredith POV next. Hope you guys like it.

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