Boy and Girl

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The remote hit the ground and he disappear after simply saying, "Car."

I got up and ran outside. He was impatiently waiting in the car. I rushed to get in the passengers side. "What's going on."

He didn't answer me though. He focused on the road. My heart was pounding in my ears. Wait. Was that his heart? I'm not sure. It was load though.

He parked in front of his shop, crooked. He got out and slammed the door and went into the shop. I followed quickly, "Rumple!" He slammed that door too. Right in my face. I opened the door and followed him into the back room.

He sat down at his table and started going through a bunch of books that appeared in front of him in a purple poof of magic.

I hopped up on counter, next to the stove. "I don't see what the big deal is." I jumped when a book proofed onto my lap.

"Look in that one." His face was buried in his own book. "Tell me of you see anything on twins."

I lifted up the black, leather bound book that was on my lap. "Legends Of The Dark One huh?" I read aloud. "Interesting."

I opened it and started flipping through the book until I found a chapter labeled 'Children'. I was about to start reading when I heard him mumbling, "It's here somewhere... One of these."

I smiled at him, and looked back to my book. "Here." I jumped when he appeared next to me and snatched the book from me.

His eyes scanned the book, quick and frantic. He looked up into empty space, calculating, and then repeated this a few times. Then he threw the book across the room.

I was still tying to figure out what was going on. Belle was having twins. A boy and a girl. I was looking forward to them. I couldn't understand what the fuss was about.

I was surrounded by purple smoke and when it fell I was standing next to Rumple at the library. Belle was sitting behind the counter. The book was back in his hand and he slammed it onto the counter, "Twins!" His voice was angry. "Did you know you were having twins!?"

Belle rolled her eyes, "Of course I did. I don't have to tell you everything, despite what you may think, Rumple." She crossed her arms.

He spun the book around and shoved it towards her. "You should really tell me theses thing dearie. How are we supposed to prepare?"

She pulled the book to her and looked over it. Her jaw dropped. She looked up at him and settled back into her chair.

"What's going on?" When no one answered me I grabbed the book from the counter and read the letters in bulk.

'Twins; The Savior and the Great Evil'

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