Chapter 2

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I woke up on a black leather couch when my eyes finally focused on my surroundings and I quickly recognized where i was.

How was i back at home?

The back of my head was pounding as if my brain was about to come out of my scalp at any given second. I brought my hand up to the back of my head only to find bright red blood dripping down from my fingertips. Every nerve in my body was tingling in fear and confusion. Suddenly, flashes of the figure and its voice came rushing back causing me to scream.

I attempted to clean my hands by rubbing the blood all over the once clean fabric of my couch but that didn't erase the thoughts of what had happened earlier or the immense pain i was feeling. An uncontrollable shake took over my body.

I heard footsteps running into the room, it was my mom. A horrified expression was written all over her feminine features when she looked at my state. She quickly scurried over to me and pinned both of my wrists down to the couch so i wouldn't move.

"Elizabeth, honey what's the matter with you?!" It was as if she had seen satan himself, she didn't recognize the girl she was talking to.

"Mom, mom it's after me, you- you saw it right?  You took me from that monster! You saw it didn't you?" My voice strained and i kept shaking violently. Her green orbs looked at me as if I were a lunatic.

"Anabelle, get in here right now and get help!" I could hear the frantic rummaging of footsteps before a door opened.

My older sister ran out of her bedroom, pajamas barely hanging onto her skinny frame. Her hair looked like a bird's nest and the bags under her eyes made her pasty white skin appear ghostly.

"Why are you still- still in your pajamas?" So many questions raced through my head as i tried to control myself but all i could see when i shut my eyes was that damn ax and the sound of it crushing the back of my scull over and over again.

"No! Go away!!" I screamed and begin to kick at the air.

Mom shouted at Anabelle to call 911 and my sister followed suit. She got closer to my face, stroking my hair with her right hand in attempt to calm me down, but it wasn't working. Nothing was working. It was as if something was inside of me and i couldn't shake it.

"Honey, honey listen to me. Everything's going to be okay." Her words sounded distant, like i was drowning underwater and she was still on the surface.

Anabelle rushed over to us and assured mom that the ambulance was already on its way. She held a look of worry and fear, but didn't say anything. Instead, she just stood their and bit the insides of her cheeks.  That's all she did.

Her pacing back and forth seemed to last hours until the flashing red lights poured through the living room window and indulged the color of our walls and furniture. The wailing of the sirens were enough to make my ears bleed.

Two paramedics barged through the door , hitting the wall behind it with a force i was sure left a dent. They came over to us while wheeling in the stretcher.

"Stay away, there's nothing wrong with me!" I yelled at one of the paramedics, her face was stern and lacked emotion.

They picked me up and strapped me into the stretcher. My arms and legs were tied down. The paramedics asked my mom brief questions while two ladies took me into the back of the ambulance truck. My sister started crying and held onto my shaking hand while pleading. I've never seen her more desperate than at that moment.

"Elizabeth, please stop. It's for your own good." She pleaded, straining to hold back the tears that were forming in her clouded eyes.

I couldn't stop trying to break free. Just like i was trying to break free from the figure's grip. They couldn't take me. I screamed once again. The sun wasn't as bright or hot as earlier but i felt like every inch of my was burning. While in the ambulance truck, they examined the back of my head and quickly took action. The pain was too much to bear, I blacked out at the voices of the strangers and the voices i had been hearing in my head.

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