hello my mouth is being attacked how are you

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braces hurt. ow.

how are you guys?

i'm good. and i think i'm happy. well, i'm getting there.

i'm having an alright day so far. i didn't go to bed SUPER late last night, so that's good. (but i did wake up at 3am. thanks melatonin. you had one job) woke up around six and lazed around for a bit. had to take a painkiller. yikes. sat around waiting for ice cream to arrive. ate a bucketful when it arrived. (not literally, but well..kinda)

i bunked school bc i had to go to drama practice. the final thing is on monday so we need to practice as much as we can. it was really fun. someone told me i was good today which made me feel all tingly and warm inside.

i am now having a cup of tea. and i have two hours to chill. gonna write a little. hope you're all having a wonderful day. if not, blurt it out in the comments and pms are always open too. stay safe. i love you all.

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