you'd be confused as fuck if you read the notes on my phone

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lmao idk if this is only me but every time i read my notes it's either wtf is that or OH MY GOD YEAH
(there's no in between)

for example, here's some snippets:

8th November 1943
(literally just this date idfk either)

Lady behind us is the same one as earlier and she keeps glaring at me XD

Give her a good solid glare
(this was a convo between me and my brother lmao bc this woman was giving me dirty looks for some reason)

Who owned manor farm and what was his greatest weakness?

What had old major dreamt of the night before, that made him address the animals?

What idea did old major plant in the minds of his barnyard friends?

According to old major, while men are enemies, what are animals?

Why do you think 'Beasts of England' is sung enthusiastically by the animals?

Why do you think it is easy to remember by even the stupidest of them?

Gennaro contaldo
(this was my english homework at some point but wth is gennaro contaldo)

Sir Walter Scott

Diev et mon droit
(this is stuff i wanted to look up when i went to scotland but never got around to doing that lolol)

the rest of it is boring or poetry which is either really shitty or something that's in my book but i can give you this:

dude starved of physical affection etna kinda uncomfortable but she knows they need it and realises she likes it too
(that's a clue to something i might work on next yearish if things go according to plan)

but yeah there's lots of funny shit but there's also like first drafts of things i've written and it's really cool to see how different the finished thing is from the original idea

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