self care checklist!!

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here's something you can use if you haven't been feeling that great!

stay hydrated
please drink some water if you haven't in some time!! a lot of the time being dehydrated can make you feel 10x worse and it's something that's v easy to forget about, so please have a glass of water!! lemonade or whatever works too if you don't like the taste of water

eat something
food!! is!! important!!
eat something if you haven't eaten much! if you don't feel like eating, at least have a small snack or some fruit. make sure you're getting the right nutrients in your body too, eat your veggies and all that good stuff. eating is also something that's super easy to forget about when you're caught up with things, and not eating also makes you feel a lot worse. don't keep your stomach empty for too long, it's not good for you!! you're beautiful and you have a wonderful body and you deserve to take care of it

this is something not that many people do, but it can actually help a lot! i tend to completely ignore my skin, but a proper skincare routine every once in a while can be so good for you. i did it today (facewash, mask, scrub, tea tree oil for breakouts,  facecream and lip balm) and my skin feels so much better. body lotion and stuff is imp too because it's winter and dry skin is not fun to deal with

try to get some exercise if you haven't in some time! it doesn't have to be running or going to the gym or playing a sport (even tho those are great for you), sometimes just taking a short walk can help! make sure you're stretching out your legs and stuff, try not to stay at home all day! exercise also releases endorphins which will make you feel sm better

this may seem like an obvious thing but it's actually p hard to keep doing when you're not thinking about it! 9/10 times i feel better after showering so go have a bath/shower if you haven't had one today!

make sure you're getting enough sleep!! sleep is so important. if you're having trouble sleeping, try listening to music or having some tea or reading! if these aren't working for you, you should go see your doctor! the solution isn't always sleeping pills but they can prescribe something like melatonin (it's a hormone that gives your brain sleepy signals, and it's what im taking atm) to help fix your sleeping schedule

do something you love
take some time out for yourself!! lying in bed doesn't count, do something you actually enjoy, whether that's playing a sport or an instrument or writing or reading or making art or cooking or whatever, just make sure you're doing it!! find something you love doing and just do the heck outta that thing! tea/coffee can help you relax (but avoid coffee if you're feeling anxious)

listen to some music
music can be super helpful if you're stressed!! it's great for whatever mood you're in no matter what your taste is

clean your room
if you're lying in a pile of dirty clothes and crumpled paper rn, get off your ass and clean it up!! a messy room can be really stressful and cleaning can actually be fun and relaxing (maybe listen to music/an audiobook/ a podcast while you're cleaning!!)

and lastly,

talk to someone
please don't isolate yourself. if you're feeling bad, talk to someone. whether that's a friend, a therapist, a parent, a sibling or a person on a hotline, it will help you, i promise. don't bottle up your feelings. if you cant talk to someone or you really don't feel comfortable with it, try journalling! and ofc, you can always pm me if you need to, i'll try my best to help ❤

i hope you're all doing well! and if you're not, i hope this can help you. i love you, stay safe and healthy ❤🌈

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