ow ow ow ow ow

24 7 19

also ya girl is an idiot

i did a shit ton of exercise on thursday morning which my body wasn't prepared for so i was sore asf but i decided to go and play tennis in the evening
(wow good decision very smartness much logic)

so now my legs hurt

fuck my legs hurt

aaaand im going for basketball practice now :'))) *smiling through pain*


dont give me sympathy it's all my  fault im just stupid sometimes 😎👉
(i mean, all the time)

im not getting out of bed at all this weekend

oh dear

update: t'was rad there were a few assholes but it was fun and my legs are officially dead funeral will be held tomorrow

there's a good reason this title is so long, you just haven't figured it out yetOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz