taggity tag

30 6 149

hello yall thank for the tag 


anon but call me whatever tf u want to idrc


writing and crying about how much i love chrissy costanza

fav colour? (it's spelt with a u stfu)

black probs but blue is rad

who are your best friends?

sorry im not answering this for a couple of reasons 

if you had the opportunity to meet an actress/artist, who would it be?

too many goddamn people

what do you like to do during  your free time?

pretend to know how to write or play basketball even tho im shitty at it or listen to music to drown out my grandmother screaming at everyone or talk to maggie about graphs or do homework at 3am or complain about how much physics sucks

what things do you have to take when you go outside?

same answers as jenso for the same reasons my phone and earphones bc it helps with my anxiety and i always overthink during car rides so if im listening to music i usually feel better

are you homeschooled or public schooled?


last movie you watched?

dont have a clue

how many selfies do you take per day?

none i never take pictures of myself too much cringe

when is your birthday?


what colour shirt are you wearing?

it's white with some weird design on it that i think is kinda cool

what's your favourite nickelodeon tv show?

idk tbh i used to watch everything

what annoys you?

people who use mental illnesses as adjectives

'im so depressed today my favourite tv show got cancelled!1!1!'

'omg im like so ocd i wash my hands everyday'

'omg i dont like butterscotch ice cream anymore i s2g im probably bipolar :(('

'ugh i dunno what to be for halloween maybe like a schizo costume or something???'

'ugh i dont feel like eating lunch im so anorexic sometimes'

shut. the. fuck. up.

starbucks or costa?

starbucks probably but costa is good too ig im good as long as i get my coffee

what do you like during summer?

staying inside and making my room rly fucking cold to defeat the purpose of summer and sleep also iced tea is cool (pun intended)

french fries or donuts?

depends on the situation but probably donuts

favourite song?

im listening to it rn so demons by atc but my all time favourite is probably tonight by tyler joseph

ariana grande or justin bieber?

dont listen to either of them but they both have a few good songs

what's your phone brand?


nutella or peanut butter?

neither cream cheese ftw

do you use your phone while charging?

much to my parent's horror yep dont really care if i get electrocuted lmao

what can you describe about yourself?

ummm im insecure and sad but ill be a good friend unless i ignore you for months at a time because im sad or i think you hate me in which case i apologise my brain hates me f u brain

what country do you live in?


what's your favourite drink?

okay so pepsi when im at the movies, otherwise watermelon juice or water or sweet lime soda or peppermint tea or any kind of lemon flavoured energy drink like gatorade lol

what hairstyles do you like?

no idea tbh i like short curly hair on other people tho like dodies curly hair is fuckin adorable

what's your favourite food?

pizza pizza pizza

plain water or orange juice?

unpopular opinion but i really hecking hate orange juice

vans or converse?

never worn either so i dunno what the difference is lol

what's your favourite fruit?

apples or watermelon or bluberries

who's your favourite singer?

chrissy because im listening to in our bones and falling in love all over again it's wonderful

are you an outdoor or indoor person?

i love long walks with myself but only if it means no human interaction and i love running outside with music when it's dark but indoor i think my bed is my favourite place in the entire universe


female and i use she/her

favourite sport?

lmao @ jenso's answer basketball or tennis for me ive played tennis since i was 5 but i got into basketball p recently and i feel like i like it better than tennis i love both of them but when i dont play basketball for a few days i literally cant stop thinking about it and i want to do a lay up so badly it hurts which is something i never felt with tennis

black or grey?

black but grey is pretty asf

what would your hair colour be if you had the chance to dye it?

i dunno i wanna try everything like blue ends red ends and then maybe like blue completely or purple or pink or something and i also kinda wanna do light brown which is a little less crazy

pet lover?

yes dude

instagram or twitter?

instagram intimidates me tbh so twitter 

uh i dont really wanna tag anyone im tired sorryyyyyy bye ily i hope ur having the best day of ur life and if ur not donut worry theres always tomorrow

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