logan paul can go burn in hell (rant)

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i didn't want to write this because i thought it was so PAINFULLY obvious what had to be said but i can't stop thinking about it and it makes me so fucking mad that i need to let it out.

firstly, for those of you who don't know: logan paul made a vlog where he and his friends visit aokigahara, or the japanese suicide forest which is a place where about 100 people go to commit suicide every year. and i'd just like to say how fucked up going to place like that and vlogging it for views is. it's not cool or interesting or whatever, it's just fucked up. that's all it is.

anyway, they go to this place and joke around about death and suicide, because it's so funny. and then, they find the body of a man who has hung himself, and keep fucking vlogging.

vlogging a dead body.

logan ACTUALLY zooms in on the body, not putting the camera down, and JOKES about it with his friends.

he starts LAUGHING, knowing that a man has just KILLED HIMSELF.

i thought that out of the two paul brothers, logan was the only one who had a shred of decency in him, but i guess i was wrong.

for starters, what he did was literally against youtube's guidelines.

you're not supposed to record a dead person's body.

don't fucking tell me it's okay because he blurred the face. it's nothing but fucking disrespectful. imagine being part of the victim's family. imagine seeing your boyfriend's or husband's or father's or friend's or brother's body being found by a vlogger who JOKES about it. imagine how fucking torn apart you'd be.

what bothers me the most is the impact this had on his audience, primarily made of preteens.

i've seen so many comments saying that kids couldn't sleep because of how disturbing it was. a girl threw up because she was so horrified.

and yes, viewer discretion was advised, but i can imagine all those kids watching anyway, because there is NO WAY it's real. it has to be fake.

apparently not.

what's even more fucked up are all the kids who are supporting him.

i saw a kid tweet a video of himself, saying that the victim should have been grateful that he got to be in logan's vlog. that the backlash was unnecessary. and that he wouldn't mind going to the same lengths if it meant he would get to be in logan's vlog.

a kid literally said he wouldn't mind killing himself to be in logan's vlog.

how fucking messed up can this get.

i am absolutely disgusted.

he didn't monetise the video, but he did monetise the fucking apology video. and you know what the comments of that are full of? his audience telling him that he HAS NOTHING TO BE SORRY ABOUT.

i cannot fathom the amount of bad influence he has on these kids.

he's not spreading awareness, he's triggering so many people that want to hurt themselves.

he's not spreading awareness, he's teaching kids to make fun of suicide victims.

he's not spreading awareness, he's just a fucking cunt.

and you know what youtube did?

put him on the trending page.

i don't know what else to say.

2018 sure got off to a great start.

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