backstage ayy

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how are you guys?

today was a cool day

one thing that sucked tho my teachers cat is hurt and she had to be hospitalised :( i really hope she's alright soon i felt so bad because she was in a lot of pain

but after class i went to help out my drama class instructors with the play for the little kids

it was kinda annoying in the beginning bc the kids were making a ton of noise and were just being kinda dumb

after that tho we got to sit in the control room and 2 of our instructors  (i feel super weird saying instructors because we just call them by their names) were doing lights and sound

the control room is so fucking cool

and also kinda intimidating

i learnt that the people in the control room and the people performing are interdependent because a lot of the time a certain light or song playing is the cue for them to start, so if someone messes up slightly it can all go wrong

the thing that looked the most scary is that board with tons and tons of knobs on it and that's for the mics on stage and you don't actually have to use it much lmao

and also something really funny was that every time there was a blackout the instructor standing near the stage would tell us to put the light on once they're ready, but it's super dark so we dont have a clue when they're ready

my friend sneaked sandwiches in and we were all joking around it was super chill and fun and i really enjoyed it

the kids kept making unintentional stranger things references which was hilarious

(also that reminds me i rly need to finish season 2 no spoilers pls ill decapitate you)

the play was ngl pretty shitty i mean i know they're kids but there's no way we were THAT bad lmao

after that me and my friend had to bring more kids upstairs to the auditorium and they were in two groups doing two different plays, so we had to make them sit separately and we kept messing up lmao because we both forgot which side was which batch

then we went to help out backstage

that made me really appreciative of everyone working backstage because you don't really realise just how much work goes into putting a play together

i was working in stage right with my friend, and there was a little sheet taped up which had everything we had to do written w the respective scenes and a couple of things were not meant to be there so some confusion took place but we've got the hang of it now so we know what to do for the actual performance next week, today was just a rehearsal

they brought us coffee which was super nice and i felt happy and tired in the good way

in between scenes there was a gap where we didn't really have much to do so we took a break and sat down on the floor in the wings and chilled

we ate a little and my friend asked if she could do my makeup and i was like sure so she started and there was highlighter all over my face (i think it was highlighter) and she had blended in halfway when someone called to tell us to get something together and it was so funny because i had weird shit all over my face and my friend was trying to blend it super quick and we were laughing really hard

after the plays we were helping them pack up and stuff and this is gonna sound cheesy as fuck but everyone there is so close and it's such a tight-knit family

ive been part of that since i was four years old and that's a huge chunk of my life which is crazy and really fucking cool

yeah so then i got home and chilled for some time, practiced a little piano

oh and i went downstairs to play basketball

when i start playing i always lose track of time and there's usually a point where im like oh it's been a while wut lemme go back now and that point came several times today but i kept ignoring it

...probs not a good idea bc i had stomach cramps and i ended up playing for well over an hour


also i just remembered i didn't stretch before starting

oops nothing hurts atm tho so fingers crossed

i got back and had a shower and had dinner here i am now

my dad called (he's travelling for work rn) and we had a long convo about my day and stuff that's going on which was actually really nice

i have 3 tests next week, so i might study a little tonight before bed

im going to play tennis tomorrow morning yay

and then gonna go and help the drama peeps for a few hours again, but this time it's not in the auditorium just where the class is normally held

i have art class too yayy so i basically need to do all that and study in between

when this week is over i don't have much studying to do because there's going to be night school instead of normal school, which is practice for annual day and im hella hyped

agh i feel sorta good today this was a good day i am content

omg and i had an incredibly awkward experience with this kid

she came up to me and she was wearing this halter neck top thing you know where the straps go around the neck and hold up the top you know what i mean

yeah so she was like it's too tight and it hurts can u fix it

firstly FUCK NO TOO MUCH RESPONSIBILITY anyway so i was like uhhhh sure and i fixed it but then it was super low and her boobs were almost showing and i had to fix that and stuff ugh it was weird

yeah anyway im happy today was fun

how is your day/night going?

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