16. || ღ Misery ღ || Grandia//Rapp

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Rapp shuffled his feet in the grass, ears twitching to the night-song around him. His eyes stared at his parents, now just rounded stones due to him polishing them so many times over time. His eyes narrowed in anger at the rats in the tower who had caused this tragedy and his fists clenched in misery.

A sharp stinging sensation in the back of his head caused his hands to instead rub the offended area and for him to turn and glare at the source of the pain. A fellow Cafu resident glared back, her hand clenching a carved bo staff in one hand her free hand fisted atop her hip.

"Why are you so mopey, Rapp?!" she grunted, though she clearly knew why.

"You know why, Malika! It's those damn rats!" Rapp answered angrily, his misery ebbing away at the argument. He watched as her ear twitched and he stuffed his pinky finger up his nose.

"Quit pickin' your nose, doofus! Make your parents proud, would ya!" she grunted, causing Rapp's glare to intensify as his misery came back full force at the mention of his parents. He promptly turned away to stare back at the rounded stones of his parents.

Malika wrapped her arms around the long-eared man's neck and rested her chin atop his head. It was a normal thing for the two now-a-days.

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