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On reaching my school, I marveled at the large number of people at my new school. This is just one of the reminders that am no longer in elementary school. This is high school! I took a deep breath, and using the school map, I found my way to my first class.

Everyone was busy chatting in different groups, and no one even seemed to notice a girl like me. The worst thing is that most of the front seats were occupied.

Finally! I got a seat in one of the middle rows and settled down gratefully. A man of average height walked in with a guy who is also of average height, but a bit taller and handsome ( not that I even noticed, but you could tell by the way ladies were drooling over him). He tried to catch the attention of the class, but his voice was drowned out by the uproar. He banged a book hard on the table to garner the attention of the class, and suddenly everyone became quiet. He introduced himself as our class teacher and the handsome guy will be teaching us mathematics. He asked us to be on our best behavior with all the teachers, and left.

The handsome guy introduced himself as Mr. Richard Smith, but we can call him Richard. Time ticked off as we all introduced ourselves in turns with some boys putting in funny comments which made the class roar with laughter.

Poor little me, my name was also the object of ridicule. And I found myself listening to people ask which planet I came from. Never in my life have I been so embarrassed and I wished for the ground to open so I could escape this moment. The introduction was complete and Richard gave us his "rules and regulations." and soon the period was over. 

We had two more period like that, and now it's time for lunch. I went to the cafeteria and purchase a hamburger and a can of milk drink. On my way to get a seat, a guy suddenly stretched his leg in front of me and the next thing I knew was that my face was on the floor, my food scattered a few feet away from me, and I was surrounded by people who were just looking at me like I was an alien who dropped from the sky. A girl who later introduced herself as Jane, came to my rescue. She helped me to my feet and I was irritated at the face that was smiling at me. It was Gerald, the guy who tripped me and also the guy who started making fun of my name in the class . Everything was going into a blur. I saw the silhouette of a girl walk up to Gerald, and warned him to stay away from me. Something warm trickled fast down from my nose and I sub consciously placed my hand on it.


Jane quickly rushed to my side and led me to the restroom. She dabbed some paper towels in water and she used it to wipe the blood away and told me to raise my head up and look at the ceiling for some minutes.

I raised up my head and was stealing glances at her face. Thanking God in my heart for sending her to my aid.

Who is Jane?

Is Tara and Jane going to be friends?

How is Tara going to deal with been bullied in school

Is she going to give an account of what happened in school to her parents?

Pls answer this questions and drop in your comments on the book.

Its my first book and am kind of feeling nervous and full of anxiety.

And please don't forget to add your vote after reading it. Your vote makes me happy and keeps me doing

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