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ɖɛɖıĆąŧɛɖ ŧơ Ario_Star for the awesome cover above.

Blissful rest! Oh no.

As I guide my body carefully and slowly to the cold hard floor with my eyes closed, I felt a hand on my arm followed by another. I assume those hands belongs to my besties - Jane and Sarah. They held me securely on both sides of my arm, supporting my weight thereby making it easier for me to descend gradually to the floor without hurting my precious skin.

"I need two volunteers to carry her to the clinic." I heard Mr Nok finally say after sputtering some words in French, my frail mind failed to comprehend.

Long story short, I'm presently on the way to the clinic securely balanced at the back of someone. It must be a boy! I could feel his tensed arms under my weight. Two familiar voice echoed behind and I could tell that I'm not alone with this stranger who is carrying me. My two friends are trailing behind.

"What to do! What to do! What do I do?" I panicked within me. I have to find a way to end up this mess without raising too much suspicion. I should have thought of these before the action began. I'm sure Sarah and Jane got their head full with packs of silly ideas - especially Jane.
I will have to secretly open my eyes so that I can silently communicate with my friends for ideas.

This action made the boy with the strong arms to sway a little, jolting me up a little as he increased the security round my thighs.

I opened my eyes - one at a time - and slowly tilted my head backwards. My eyes caught Sarah's gaze and immediately, she nudged Jane on her arm as they stared at me wide eyed with eerie expressions on their pretty face. Thank Goodness they had the common sense not to scream out.

"What do I do?" I mouthed, reminding them this isn't Frozen. Sarah signaled for me to wait while they both engage in a conversation. They seem to be arguing, deliberating, nodding their heads both in the affirmative and negative and finally they arrived at a mutual point.
To my dismay, Sarah began to walk to me! Oh no.... What am I going to do now. For Pete's sake, why would she do such a silly thing or has she forgotten that this is just a staged play. Why is her lips curved up in a Mona Lisa smile? Does this means she is planning something mischievous? Oh I really need to calm myself. Or maybe I should first master the art of breathing well. Oh no..... She is coming closer and closer and closer....

"Hey! My friend has a lot of weight and you must be tired." Sarah said to the boy whose back I lay on.
Wheew... For a millisecond I thought I was going to faint for sure. I was just hyperventilating for nothing. How could I even think my friends would be so daft?

"That shouldn't be a source of concern" the boy announced to her dismay. "Besides the distance remaining isn't that much."

"Of course, I am aware of that. I am only suggesting we stay a little and rest. You can't deny the fact that my friend here has a lot of weight. You could use the little time to catch some breathe and stop claiming Superman because, you are not."

"I am not disputing the fact that she has weight. The fact is that she has weight - a lot of it- but she also needs urgent medical attention " he shot Sarah a look that says 'are you out of your fudging mind! Hello... This is your friend not mine. Please show some concern.' but Sarah didn't seem to care.

As Sarah successfully held the boy's attention, Jane crept quietly to the other side of the boy and mounted the plan to me. All thanks to my smartness, i was able to understand all what she was saying, before we were seen by someone else.

"Since you insisted on not stopping for a while, then let's get our feets moving towards the clinic." Jane chipped in as Sarah stepped aside shrugging her shoulders in a nonchalant attitude. Mission successful! so there is no need to waste more time.

The ride to the clinic was uneventful but pleasant with Jane and Sarah making cacophonies in the background.

"Thankfully, we are almost at the clinic!" Sarah announced enthusiastically as she threw her hands in the air. Instantly, I knew this was my call to action.
I began to move slowly as I mutter discordant sounds about death, trees, cars and blood. Sounds of feet echoed around me. I made it appear as if I was experiencing a trauma. I began to shake my head to and fro and I could feel my whole body vibrate as well. I was placed on a bed but it felt like I was moving. I could feel the wave of air as it washed over my face. My eyelids flew open in a flash out of panic only to see that I was being pushed on a streacher. Fear and worried expression met my gaze. I could understand that of the nurses and the boy whose back I rode on but as of that of Sarah's pale face and Jane's worried look, then...... I don't know. I surely need an explanation for that. But that's for later cause I need to get my ass out of this fudging clinic first.

I was moved to a ward where I had another nurse check me. And finally, the nurse announced to my friends that it's nothing serious and all I need is rest and a little bit more food.

"Can we take her home now?" Jane enquired.

" yes you can and make sure she eats well and rest. Here are some multivitamins to ignite her appetite".

"Sure we will"


We finally breathe the air outside the clinic. I let out a loud breathe of air appreciating this moment of 'freedom'.
I now recognise the boy in our mist as the scared dude I rescued from the paws of Gerald the bully and his friends earlier today precisely during lunch period. He
Gazed confusingly at us.

"OK thanks for the assistance rendered". Jane said to him with the motive of dismissing.

"Aww.. Its nothing. He gave a dismissive wave of his hands as a shy smile play on his lips. His gaze locked with mine and immediately, he cowed down.
Why do I have such frightening effectively in people even without doing anything? I wondered to myself.

Ring! Ring!! Ring!!!
The school bell echoed around and almost immediately, students began to filter out of the various class rooms.

"Ok, I got to go now." He announced, bringing me out of my reverie.

"Bye!" Jane replied, a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Bye" I waved my hands at him even though he can't see me due to the fact that his back is now turned towards me. "Who would get to the car first!" I announced enthusiastically pointing towards the usual parking space where my driver would be waiting for us.
Before they could protest, I started counting 1....2...go. I sprinted forward, leaving my two friends far behind me. Surely, I got to the car before them so I get to sit in the passenger's seat (that's the rule amongst us).

Sarah and Jane got in minutes later and we all made our way to Chicken republic. When we got there, we choose a table for four which was very close to the air conditioner(ooh.. How I love the cool air). We all ordered a plate of Jellof Rice garnished with grilled chicken and coleslaw.

Yummy !

Author's Note

After a long hiatus, I finally got to post a complete chapter.

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