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After narrating the story to Jane, it was as if I poured fuel into her already burning flame. She began to say different things she could do to Daniel ~ of which would get her into trouble.

"Take it easy Jane. Am sure you wouldn't want to get into trouble or even go to jail because of some stupid boy's prank" I said hoping it would make her drop the stupid ideas she had in mind but she just ignored me and showed how annoyed she was. Though Jane was trouble, she was always protective of her friends.

"How I wish you had done something to hurt him back instead of running away like a coward. Now he would feel like a victor cause he has gotten what he wanted". She said feeling disgusted. Don't ask me towards who cause I don't know.

"I'm on my time of the month" Sarah blurted out reminding us of her presence.
"I'm seeing my period" she clarified as if reading the questions on my mind.

I turned to look at Jane and saw a shocked expression on her face with was probably a mirror of my own.

Of course Jane was the first person to break from the shock spell "you see the reason why I insists he needs to be punished.

I can't even imagine what would be going through Her mind when she discovered the reason people were staring and whispering about her. She thought it was real that was why she locked her self in the restroom and refused to open the door even when I pound on it severally.

"I don't know what is wrong with Daniel. Who the fudge does he thinks he is that he can play silly pranks on girls and get away with it". I said feeling agitated.

"Don't mind him. We will show him that though we are girls, we are stronger than most boys our age. Jane said feeling pleased that finally someone else is seeing things from her perspective.

Through out the whole conversation, Sarah didn't say anything. She would only nod her head at intervals even though it weren't saying anything that requires that. She seems distant probably replaying the tragic scene over and over again in her head. I felt pity for her. But who knows, with Sarah nothing is predictable. Maybe she had even put the ugly scene behind her and was worrying about something else.

Did I forget to say she's reserved, quiet and reserved! I bet not cause the word "reserve" is what made up Sarah. She has an antisocial personality which contradicts her looks.

".......... Tara, are u listening"?
Tara!! I heard my name from afar and someone simultaneously tapping my shoulder jolting me out of my reverie. I discovered it was Jane who called me. She must had said something to which she's expecting to get a reply but didn't get one since I had spaced out.

She was staring at me ~ the kind of look that says "what were you Thinking about"?

I knew I had to lie since I couldn't tell her what I was thinking about. "I was just thinking about what I would do to that boy whenever I set my eyes On him"

Since I told her what was pleasing to her ears, she left me alone and turn to her next victim. "Sarah, why are you not contributing to our chat after all you are the reason for the discussion"

"I'm so sorry, its just that am a little bit tired and hungry" Sarah pleaded. "I didn't eat breakfast today because I woke up late and had to finish my English assignment which I forgot to complete.

"OK, no problem. But you should have informed us earlier. Now you must be very tired and hungry since you were only picking on your food during lunch." Jane said with concern

"I just didn't want to bore you with my problem" Sarah insisted.

"But I insist that a problem scared with friends Is a problem half solved. I chipped in. "What are friends for if they Can't support each other. We've got your back Sarah ~ Jane and I, and we want you to know that we will always be there through rain and shine.

"Stop being emotional". Jane said dabbing at some imaginary tears on her face with her hanky.

"Well, why don't we stop by 'Disney chicken' and grap some food. I offered. "I've got some money to spare and besides the enzymes in my tummy are screaming out loud for some food.


We made our way to the eatery while chatting about random things - the topic of Daniel long forgotten. When we arrived at the place, I quickly sent a message to my parents that I would be home late and the driver shouldn't bother to come pick me.

I made myself comfortable on the chair and ordered for samosa and a cup of vanilla flavored ice cream - well who doesn't love ice cream? Surely not me.

I and my friends ate in silence. Weird right- yea..... Probably everyone is busy enjoying the meal to start a conversation - not even Jane.

All my thoughts and  worries melted away like the ice cream in my mouth. I should have more of this moment.


Author's note

Enjoying the story, then I bet you would be so shocked at the next chapter.
Tara is becoming something else. Her conscience slowly fading away with each passing day.

Thanks to all my readers for sticking with me till this time.
Love ya all😍

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