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When I got home, I was so tired. I was not hungry - yet. So I decided not to prepare any food Even though am fully aware that my brother, Julius would be angry when he comes back home and meets no food. He loves food so much he doesn't joke with it.

Some hours later, I heard the backdoor knob turned and opened and then followed by some muffled steps downstairs. Julius always go to school with the back door key so that he won't have to disturb me when he gets back. I guess he thought I was sleeping and didn't want to disturb me and that eaplains the tiptoeing around the house.

My lips curved into a sly smile and I pretended to be reading as I prepare myself for what's coming next in 1..... 2...... ცıŋgѳ

"Tara! Tara!! Why isn't there any food in the kitchen"? He asked giving me the evil eyes and shouting.

Wow! Getting angry with me over food!!

Well..... It's show time!!!

"Are you really shouting at me Julius?" I raised my voice, my anger equally matching his.

Did I forget to tell you that Julius is an adopted son. Ooo... silly me! I must have forgotten. I am the only child of my parents. It's annoys me whenever Julius is been given the rights of the first Born when I'm biologically the first and only child.

It's a pity on him I'm using this as an opportunity to pour out my frustration.

"OK why didn't you prepare any food for me knowing fully well that I would be very hungry." He lowered his voice already feeling remorseful for shouting at the 'princess of the house'.

Too bad for him I'm not ready to let go. "Oooo... sorry Master, your Cook forgot to make you lunch". I replied sarcastically

"Am sorry Tara....."

Don't 'sorry' me! Sorry my foot! I cut him off hissing as I walked away.

"What right have you to talk to me this way Tara? I am your elder brother for Pete's sake. Don't I deserve some respect from you"?

"Beat me then! Or else I will deal with you" I had covered the little space between us and was now holding his shirt securely in my hands. Jerking his clothes against his chest.

A little part of me was telling me I need to stop all these but the fighting spirit in me won. The next minute, we were both rolling on the floor - no I pushed him to the floor and sat down on him, throwing punches all over his body. Julius was taking it easy on me because i am a girl ~ well who says girls are weak.
I gratefully took the opportunity to my advantage and beat him up mercilessly - all thanks to Jane's training.

Just at the time he decided to defend himself, his friend max came in and rushed to his aid.

"Its too late to stop now," I said to myself. "Besides there is no victory in a work half-done."

"What has come over you, Tara. Take a look at the mess you've created". Max exclaimed slowly making his way to me. "What has your brother done to deserve these"! He said gesturing to my brother who lay on the floor, groaning in pain.

Trying to defend myself from Max who has now reached me and is trying to hold me, I impulsively pushed at him - hard . He slipped and fell hitting his head on the cold tiled floor.

Max is not moving! Is he dead! What have you done Tara!! Stop all these craziness NOW!!! my mind kept screaming at me but I was scared to move close to the body that lay unconscious - a few feet away from me.

My body stiffened as my gaze shifted from one person to the other back and forth. I wanted to help but I couldn't so I took the easiest route. I FLED 🏃🏃🏃

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