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Dedicated to YourBestNightmare

The following day when I got to my school, I marched majestically to my locker where a curious and excited Jane awaits me. She was full of enthusiasm about the incident of the previous day. Her curiosity would not allow her till lunch time to hear the full gist.

"Please! Please!! please!!! Tell me what happened when you got home" Jane pleaded tugging at the hem of my shirt sleeve like a two-years-old that was denied chocolate at the candy store.

"No!" I insisted. "Besides nothing interesting happened."

"Hmmmm......! She gave me the quizzical look. "You don't expect me to believe that when your parents saw you, they patted you at the back and said well done my child, right?"

"Of course it's a Capital letter 'N' and small letter 'o'. But if you insist I can give u the summary.

"Yes I insist" she squirmed excitedly. "Babe, my ears are all yours. You can pull the trigger now." She said imitating the Korean accent as she rested her side against my locker trying to get into comfortable position.

"But hope you know you aren't going to disturb me further for details?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She replied delightfully, still playing the role of a two-year-old.

"OK! I sigh in defeat as I began to narrate the story. "When I got home, I sneaked into the house unnoticed - 'Bravo' she interrupted me, giving me the thumbs up. If only she would wait to hear the rest of the story, then she would face her thumbs down - which I was grateful for but regretted immediately I opened the door."

"Why? She frowned.

"My parents were in my room waiting for me."

"What!" There was a mischievous glint of delight in her eyes as she tried hard to keep herself from bursting into fists of laughter.

"Would you please stop interrupting me?" I was already tired of her punctuating my every sentence with her silly comments. I know I said I was only going to summarize, but I know Jane too well, she would stop at nothing till she gets the full gist out if me. She's not going to settle for just a tip of the iceberg I.e the summary.

The bell rang, signalling the commencement of the first period and that was all I need for my escape. I quickly selected my books for the periods before lunch and placed them roughly in my bag as I hurry to my class with Jane trailing lazily behind me. Well, I won't blame her. We are having mr Richard's class now and he's so lenient he doesn't give a derm whenever we go to class late. He would only shrug his shoulder off at you and ask you to walk quietly to your seat. Since the teacher don't care about latecomers. Then the students don't mind. But today, I just in a position that I have to go early - don't blame me.

I entered the class thankfully just after mr Richard so I don't have to face Jane now. I scrambled all the way to my seat only to be greeted by another curious but furious face. Geezz.... I had almost forgotten about Sarah.


"What did you do again?" she muttered trying as much as possible not to draw attention to us as I sqirm in my chair. I don't know why but sometimes I feel uneasy around Sarah especially when I do something she thinks is bad. Perhaps its because Sarah is the white sheep in our trio group and thus I don't feel like discussing my "bad deeds" - as she would call it- with her.

Sarah isn't exactly the picture of a perfect girl or a saint. Infact, she is like every cliché teenage girl you meet daily. She parties, - though not always - jokes around with even members of the opposite sex and throws in save pranks once in a while. Note the word 'safe'. Sarah loves to play it safe. she is not one to take risk and that's one of the reasons why she is different from Jane and I. To me life is all about risk or should I say success instead if life?

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