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After school, I quickly rushed home leaving all my friends behind. I was supposed to go through some assignments with my friend Max but I just told him to come and see me ąŧ home as I am very hungry I didn't eat lunch today cause I forgot my wallet at home. I just buried myself in school work so that I won't have my friends pay for my lunch ~ my friends aren't from rich homes like mine.

I quickly opened the backdoor since I had the key with me. The house was quiet so I guess Tara must be in her room sleeping or maybe doing her assignment but she hardly read so I will go for the former ~ Sleeping.

I made my way to the kitchen after dropping my bag somewhere on the floor in the sitting room making as little noise as possible. I opened the pot on the gas cooker only to be greeted by emptiness. I opened the other plates and pots but found nothing edible to eat.

"Tara! Tara"!! I forgot my resolve not to wake her up as I raced to her room in anger. "Why isn't there any food in the kitchen"? I asked giving her the evil eyes.

"Are you really shouting at me" she replied, her mood suddenly becoming angry.

"OK, why didn't you prepare any food for me knowing fully well that I would be hungry" I lowered my voice, feeling ashamed of myself for shouting at her over food.

"Sorry master, your cook forgot to make you lunch" she replied sarcastically.
I didn't want her to ever get angry and it pains my heart that I am the cause of her anger.

"I'm sorry, Tara........" I wanted to tell her that I am sorry for shouting at her, sorry for making her angry, sorry for everything and I am going to make it up with her but she cut me off.

"Don't sorry me! Sorry my foot"! Wow..! Tara saying this to me?

"What right have you to talk to me this way, Tara? I am your elder brother for Pete's sake. Don't I deserve some respect from you" I asked quietly but her next reaction shocked me. She held my shirt by its collar and began murmuring something like "beat me,...... Beat me Julius and prove that you are the senior". What has gotten over her? Tara wasn't like this before highschool. Maybe she is one of those people who fell into the hands of bad friends. Is this what her friends in school are teaching her?

If only some one can give me the answers to these questions. All this while she had been throwing hard punches at me. Who thought her how to throw a good punch — I don't know. The good part of it is that I don't have to worry about her been bullied in school.

"Ouch!!" this hurts. I need to defend myself before I end up with broken bones.

"Hey man!" Max came in and was speechless due to the scene before him. He quickly rushed to my side and saw how bruised my body was. He confronted Tara who flared up and ended up pushing him to the ground.
How a girl could beat two grown men is beyond my understanding.

I laid down in pain and agony, tears that threatened to fall shimmering in my eyes. I glanced up and locked gaze with Tara who wore fear on her face like a girl wears makeup but it was only for a little while before her lips twitched into a smirk – that I began to wonder if what I saw was real or just a result of my imagination.

I tried to stand up but couldn't. I winced in pain but received help from no one.

I turned my head to the other side where an unconscious Max laid. He got himself in this position trying to defend me — poor him.
When I turned my head back to its initial position, Tara was no longer there.

I managed to standup after somewhile. I placed a call to my parents for emergency and then cleaned myself up.
Since it took a while for my parents to arrive, I applied first aid treatment to Max's injury. He had a small cut on the back of his head which he obviously got from the fall.

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