Chapter Eleven

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"There's nothing special about rice and chicken but I don't know why I always look forward to eating it with you guys!" Jane said.

"Maybe because you just want to spend some quality food time with the most pretty girl in the universe." Sarah responded.

"And who would that be?" I questioned.

"Isn't it obvious?" Sarah rolled her eyes at me as she placed a large piece of chicken in her mouth.

"Oooh..." Jane cooed. "Pretty Tom" she muttered.

"What did you just say" Sarah questioned even though she heard what Jane said.

"I said you are indeed pretty"

"Liar! Stop trying to act smart"

"Tara, but seriously, you should take a course in theatre arts. You would make a good actress."

Sarah gasped "Is this your cheap way of chickening out?" She turned to me "Did you know you scared the living shit out of me with your fake 'little drama'?" She air quoted.

Both Jane and I turned to look at each other as we burst into fits of laughter.

"Its not funny!

"Its not funny!" Jane mimicked Sarah using a spoilt brats voice.

"Stop it! I didn't sound like that." Sarah countered, frustration building up inside of her. " you could see the way Tara acted when we got to the hospital. Everything felt so real, I had a hard time convincing myself it was fake.

"Yes.... fake! That is it. It was all fake and that was why I suggested earlier that Tara should take up a course in theatre art" Jane explained.

"Okay guys enough of this drama you guys are displaying here" I chipped in.

"Drama!" Sarah announced dramatically while she and Jane simultaneously turned towards me wide eyed. "See the kettle calling This pot of Mine black."

You should see the confusion written all over Mr Nok's face. He was like

"Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas? Tara, quel est ton problème?"
When he saw that you were not responding, he got worry and finally decided to speak English language. If not anything, making Mr Nok to speak English especially during French period is a great achievement. The expression on he's face was priceless more like shriek.

"Wow that was hilarious. You know I could barely keep my eyes shut. Several times I was tempted to open it and take a precious look at my surroundings but I had to keep it in check and focus on the play on hand."

Well.. friends gurus... I don't even understand all you just said.And I don't know why I find it difficult to learn the language. Korean seems easy to me.

"What did you know in Korean that you are just Blabbing Korean this Korean that"? Sarah inquired.

Annyeong haseyo? I announced proudly

"Mitcheew...." She hissed. "Is that something you are proud of? Everyone knows 'annyeong haseyo' means hello or hi so say something else." Jane countered

"Naneun nae chingudeul-eul neomu salanghae." (I love my friends so much).

"What does that mean Miss Koreana?" Sarah asked

"Is that even a name? Anyway I won't tell its my open secret"

"I don't know the details but I know Salang means love. So lovergirl who is it that you are crushing on that you want to keep it a secret from your friends?" Jane

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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