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My heart is a wanderer,

Of alien lands, it is a constant traveller,

It can get inspired by a farmer,

It's unpredictable, its next move you could never gather.

They say, heart gives a sound advise,

Yet they don't consider it wise.

"Don't get swayed by emotions", they say,

"Rather let your passion be destroyed in a terrible fray."

So easy and simple, God made this life,

Endowed in each one of us, the strength to endure any strife.

And so that each may pursue what he considered his favourite art,

God created a soul for each and put it in his heart.

There was a time when there were no religions,

No means at all to separate us into divisions.

When no one even knew the world called treason,

When our only identity was God's creation,

When all were united in a single nation.

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