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Time to bid 2K17 farewell
And I wish you all are well
The ship is going to cross another dock
And another mission is on the door, about to knock.

How fast things change, people change
How fast life takes a new turn suiting its taste
So let's slow down a bit and not be in a haste
Let's spread love, let's together challenge hate.

Let's not be hypocritical
Let's face those obstacles
Let's break all those shackels
Let's create  miracles.

Let's live for our own selves.
Let's not hide our dream in a shelf
Let's live our life in our own style
Even if it demands a thousand challenging miles.

Let's love a bit more, forgive more
Let's create a difference, you and me, together
So come 2K18 in all your glory
I'm prepared to write my own story.

Author's note

2K18 is at our doorstep, readers. Let's write another chapter the way we want.
Remember, you and only you hold the pen that writes down the story of your life.

Quote : The right to dream and live that dream is the birthright of every person.

It's been a good journey so far and I hope for an amazing journey together in the years to come.
You are welcome to share your thoughts and stories here.
Signing off for 2K17, I wish you all a very Happy New Year and
Happy reading :)

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