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"Ask no questions and you will be told no lies."


Baekhyun stopped once he realized that Taeyeon kissed her . . . On the cheek that is.

Someone was nearby as well, she stopped once she saw Taeyeon kissed him on his cheek. Her smile faded, but she quickly shook that off and continued to smile.

Baekhyun didn't even realize that someone was already calling his name from behind him. "Baekhyun-ah! Baekhyun-ah!" The girl called. Baekhyun looked behind him and saw his childhood friend, Hyeran.

A/N: Yes, Ji Hye-Ran as in Z.Hera. She's nice here y'all. Don't hate her, I find her cute and nice. :)

The male looked at her and stood up, along with carrying Taeyeon in a bridal style manner. Hyeran stopped once she saw Baekhyun did that, "I thought you'd be back 'till next month." Baekhyun then said.

Hyeran just forced to smile at him, she nudged him, "Hey, I'd do anything for you." She giggled, "anyway, who's the chic you got?"

"Ah . . ." Baekhyun sighed as he looked at Taeyeon.

"Your girlfriend?" Hyeran asked. She knew for that second that her best friend likes the girl he was carrying. He knew him absolutely well. "You don't need to hide anything from me Baek, I'm your best friend, I can keep this a secret."

"She's . . . Not actually my girlfriend," Baekhyun continued to look at her, "but she's . . . My ideal type."

Hyeran felt her heart shatter, she loved him with all her heart, she'd protect Baekhyun no matter what. They're best friends in his eyes but in hers, everything was a whole new level. The female bit her bottom lip and continued to force a smile, "Ah, haha . . . Lucky you, she looks . . . Cool."

"This wouldn't make a good first impression of her, though. But I assure you, she's nicer like this."

Hyeran's brows creased, "Nicer that way?"

"Yeah, nicer asleep." Baekhyun smiled by himself, and looked at Taeyeon even more. He couldn't help but adore the female she was carrying.

Meanwhile, the female that was standing and conscious, looked at them, "You should take her home . . . I won't bother to ask what happened." Hyeran muttered.

Baekhyun was lost in his thoughts staring at Taeyeon. 'An evil angel indeed.' He thought. "Baekhyun?" Baekhyun escaped his thoughts once he heard Hyeran's voice. He darted his gaze towards his childhood friend and smiled.

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