part 03

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Relishing the moment..

It was the first day of my final year and our college days gonna end soon. I am still working hard to become a rockstar but my studies are interrupting it. I am waiting for the day when my college will end so that I could concentrate on my music. Because of my dadi , I was forced to complete my college. But if she didn't forced me ,I would have not met her.

On the first day , I saw her for the first time and she was looking like a godness. Oh my God.. her heart shapped face with wide forehead and her thick eyebrows ... while her eyes... they eyes are " welcome to the soul.." with an innocent look. She had an Apple cheeks with a lingering smile.. she was waving her hand in the air , and was muttering Some thing to the near by person.. wait ? Who is he..? Her boyfriend...? But they seems to be freshers and how can she even know him.. have to check out..

I entered my class to see purab , bulbul along with arjun are chatting with each other. I heard first day of college will make freshers to run out in fear but my sister was freaking out with my friends. And arjun is second year, thick friend of purab. They both used to talk secretly but will not share with me.. I have to find it soon...

" what's up man.. ? " purab asjed hugging me and bulbul , arjun stood together.

" you are not getting late for the classes.." I asked bulbul and she gave an oops expression.

She rushed out taking her bag followed by arjun. Even I am not protective like him who doesn't want his sister to get into any trouble.

" I will go to my class after leaving her.." arjun said and moved behind bulbul.

But my thoughts again went back to that girl. Why did she affected me this much ? Why her mesmerising eyes could not get off my mind. I had never felt something like this before.. yes I do change my girlfriends as they used to long for me and my tag name.. saying rockstar's girlfriend makes them pride..

It was lunch time , me and purab headed towards the canteen. It was a boring day with lectures fully. We thought to have something light and saw bulbul along with two girls.

" I think your sister got new friends... " purab said , I smiled at his sentence. Yes she is quite chirpy and friendly with everyone. But after seeing one of her friend's face , oh my god... am I dreaming? The girl I saw in the morning is bulbul's friend and that idiot , stupid fool is also sitting near her. While the other girl looked silent.

" let's introduce ourselves bro.." purab said moving towards them while abhi stopped by the near by mirror. He adjusted his hair and dusted his shirt and walked near the table.

By the time he reached, purab had introduced himself. Bulbul exclaimed looking at abhi who just smiled at her.

" bhai.. they are my new friends ..." she said and abhi was restlessly waiting to hear her name.

" hello.. I am abhishek mehra..." i said looking at her with smile which she reciprocated it.

" hey bro.. I am big fan of you.. had seen lots of your performance in YouTube ... " the boy said hugging me like a doll. Pragya laughed at him and resumed her lunch.

" I am sidharth.." he said breaking the hug and I nodded in agreement. Still my ears are longing to hear her name.. what might be her name..? I could not even guess..

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