part 07

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Thanks guys for your huge support and your love towards this ff. As planned we gonna say bye bye to this , because my other ff's are in pending.. but will miss this ff. It's a planned story so I could not extend as it may lose its charm. Want to say thanks to all those who vote and comment and it's specially dedicated to you all guys..

7. The blind love

It's not going to be the same was the only thought running inside her mind for the past two hours. She gonna meet him again but as her sister's husband and a child's father. It's gonna be third meeting of them after few days and its not going to be the same way they met before. She gave to be strong and have to hold her emotions back once she meets him but really can she..? Time only can answer to this question .

Some times the path we travel may be hard but the destination is gonna give all the happiness that makes one to forget all the pains. But it doesn't goes with pragya.

She was standing before her home from where she left and didn't returned for these past two years. Pragya was thinking whether she should enter inside or not. She too had feelings of returning back not meeting anyone.

There was a debate between her heart and mind. Mind asked her to face the truth but still her heart was not ready to meet him.

She finally decides to leave from there and opened the car door. She closed her eyes for a second fighting inside whether to leave or not.

" pragya..." she heard her name when she stepped inside. She turned and saw her mother standing there with tears.

With a confusion,  pragya saw her , the new feeling that was expressed in her mother's eyes. The person who hated most was standing there with mixed emotions.

Ragini moved forward and hugged pragya once she reached near her. Pragya's heart breaks when her mother touched her. How much days she had longed for this love and finally she accepts her but what made her to change.

" how are you beta ..?  " ragini asked breaking the hug and wiped pragya's tears.

" i am fine ma.." she replied .

" come inside .."ragini said taking her inside. Pragya's heart starts to beat fast for every step she takes inside.

" pragya..." disha came towards her running and gave her a bone crushing hug. But pragya didn't failed to notice her new attire , her mangalsutra and kumkum on her hairline.

" where is duggu.." Pragya asked and she saw ragini moving from there.  She asked the servants to prepare fast.

" he is really missing you. He used to kiss your photo when I play it on my laptop.." disha said and pragya smiled a little.

Really it made her to think about her child. It might be girl or boy. But it would have existed now if that incident didn't happened in her life. But this is not time to think about it - she decided.

" duggu... look here who came to meet you.." disha exclaimed when she opened the door.

Pragya stepped inside with the anxiety increased to meet the new person of this family. She saw a little boy was having a book in his hand who was  furiously staring at it.

Her heart melts seeing a baby which she longed to have for. But it's not her's . She should not forget it.

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