Chapter 2 - My first shift at work

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I wake up on the couch and I see the dreamy man on the floor sleeping. I then look at the clock and realize I'm running late I grab the blanket off of the floor and cover up after realizing I was naked. I look down at the floor and realize he's completely naked too and I give him a pillow.

"Nice place you got here," he said while standing up.
"It's not mine it's my Aunt's she owns it but doesn't live in it right now. I just moved back to Seattle from Boston with my cousin." I respond.
"Well, I'm going to go upstairs to take a shower." I continue.
"Let's pick up where we left off then." The stranger responds grinning.
"Tempting but I can't I'm late for work on my very first day," I explain.
"You're kicking me out and we don't even know each other's names?" he asks.
"My name is Emily," I respond.
"Oh, Emily what a lovely name. I'm Derek," he says.

We then shake hands. Derek hands me my bra and I go upstairs as he starts to get dressed. I take a shower and get dressed and head to my first day as an intern.
I'm a few minutes late.
The chief of surgery brings us around the hospital when we get to go near an OR, I start to get excited. The chief spots me and walks over.

"You must be Doctor Gordon you're a spitting image of your Mother. I'm sorry to hear that she died last month it must have been hard on you. I'm Dr. Richard Webber by the way."

Dr. Webber walks in the middle of the room and starts to give a speech.

"Each of you comes here today hopeful, wanting in on the game. A month ago you were in med school being taught by doctors, today you are the doctors. The 5 years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point. Look around you, say hello to your competition. 8 of you will switch to an easier specialty, 5 of you will crack under the pressure, and 2 of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line, this is your arena. How well you play that is up to you."

My fellow interns and I go to our lounge we get our lockers and our residents. I get assigned to the Nazi (Dr. Bailey) with my cousin Meredith Grey, this guy named George, and Cristina Yang a Stanford grad.
Meredith and I were assigned to our very first case together on our first 48-hour shift. We arrived in the room and got a medical history. A 17-year-old female named Katie Bryce. She is a pageant contestant that does rhythm gymnastics as her talent which I think is cool but I could tell Meredith didn't. She has always been the dark and twisty one of the two of us but being polar opposite is the reason why we get along so well and why we are best friends. I stand by Katie's bedside while Meredith goes and gets labs. When Mer comes back we bring her to the CT room. We got lost so Mer went with Katie while I went to get directions. I found Mer and we made it to the CT room. When we are done we bring Katie back to her room. The Nazi assigned Mer to a different patient and I stay with Katie. When I was talking to Katie she starts seizing. I call a nurse and page Dr. Bailey. We get her to stop seizing and I'm sent to find the new Neuro Attending named Dr. Shepherd.
I ask a nurse if she has seen Dr. Shepherd she points to her left and says,

"He went through that door, last time I saw him."

I thank the nurse and walk through the door. I immediately see Derek and close the door and hide.

"Emily is that you?" Derek asks as he opens the door.
"You work here? And you're an attending?" I ask.
"This is my first day at work as well." He smiles.
"Omg, I had sex with my boss's boss." I sigh.
"Was I not good?" He inquires.
"No, you were good trust me, but this can't happen again I'm an intern and you're an attending," I say.
"Can you please follow me for a consult," I add.
"This better be a real consult, with what you just said." He laughs and smirks.

We go up to Katie's room just as she starts to code. The nurses ask me what I want to do I freeze up.

"I-I-I-I think....." I hesitate.

Derek cuts in and asks for paddles and charges them and shocks Katie twice and she comes back through.

"You're off this case Emily," Derek says clearly frustrated.

I get sent to the ER. It was now about 26 hours into my shift. I have 22 hours left
Derek pages all the interns in the conference room. He asks all of us to do the research for this case. Mer and I are at an advantage because we both had this case at first. So Mer and Cristina and I team up to research.

"Katie is a pageant contestant." Mer snarks.
"Oh, really" Cristina laughs.
"Do you want to know what her talent is?" Mer snickers.
"It's Rhythmic Gymnastics." They both laugh.
"I thought it was cool........OMG, I just realized what is wrong with her." I say.
"Let's find Dr. Shepherd." I continue.

We scavenge the building and I fill them in and they laugh knowing the chances.

"I'm sorry Cristina my cousin has always been optimistic about this kind of stuff," Meredith said.
I sigh as we find Derek.
"Dr. Shepherd, I think we figured out her diagnosis," I say.
"Ok...what do you think it is?" Derek asks.
"Well Katie is a pageant goer and her talent is rhythmic gymnastics..."
"Spit it out Dr. Gordon" Derek interrupts.
"Well, she fell the other day while practicing for the pageant and I think she burst an aneurysm when she fell," I add.
"Do you know the chances that an aneurysm burst it's very slim." Derek snarks.
"When I was taking her history she didn't even think of telling me about the fall because it was so minor and it didn't seem to do anything to her until we thought about it and we think Katie might be that slim chance," Mer adds.

Derek laughed as he went to the elevator. Just as Cristina Mer and I were about to leave Derek then opens the elevator doors and he says,

"I think Katie is that 1 in a million, follow me all three of you."

We head to Katie's room then bring her to the CT room and confirm that an aneurysm did burst.

"I only have room for one of you maybe two at most in the OR so I choose Dr. Gordon and Dr. Grey."

We both had promised Cristina if we were right, she could have the surgery so Cristina left right away and was mad at both of us. Mer and I both get ready for the surgery I'm glad that Mer was there for a barrier between me and Derek.

"You both have to scrub in but Emily you can help me since it was your case," Derek said.

Meredith protests at first but realized that Derek was right. She scrubs in for 4 minutes and Derek and I wait for her to be done. When she's finally done we both scrub in Derek uses this time to talk to me about the night before and says what it means to him.

"Derek I told you my opinion and that's what I'm sticking with." I protest.
"Come on just one date, you had a blast last night admit it you were loving it. I could tell with how you responded." He smirks.
"I don't need any of my fellow interns knowing that I slept with my boss's boss even if I didn't know he was my boss's boss at the time. They are going to think I'm one of those people who sleep around for surgeries. Which I'm not."
"I know you aren't but come on we're good together." Derek protests.

The 4 minutes are over and we wipe our hands off and head into the OR. We complete the surgery successfully and Meredith and I bring Katie to post-op. We both head to the intern's lounge and get ready to go home after the 48-hour shift is over. We both live together for now in Mer's childhood house. We drive in our own vehicles because Meredith had arrived the night before so she just slept in her car so she wouldn't be late.

"How was it in the house last night was it ok?"Mer asks.
"It was great," I say with a poker face as we enter the house.
"OMG, you had sex last night didn't you?" Mer asks as she sees the mess.
"Spill who was it an intern you met last night or a guy from the bar you went to last night after the intern mixer?" Mer continues.
"Ok... if I tell you, swear to me you will not tell another soul." I made Mer promise.
"Ok, I promise I will not," Mer says happily knowing she's about to know a secret.
"Ok you know the new attending at the hospital...well..." I hesitate.
"OMG Emily did you know he was your boss's boss when you slept together and is it a thing or a one night stand." Mer inquires.
"No, he was just a guy from a bar I met and slept with he was quite charming and we still need to talk about it but he wants to go on a date but I said I wasn't sure cause he's my boss's boss," I answer.
"And I don't want anyone to know besides us and him because I don't want anyone to think I'm just sleeping with him for the surgeries. Like I'm not that kind of person and you know that but I just met everyone else a little more than 48 hours ago and I don't need drama right from the start." I continue.

Mer agrees and I clean up the living room and head to my room (the master bedroom) I fall asleep right away.

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