Chapter 8 - Mystery Solved

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I awaken for a minute from a deep sleep hearing some commotion outside my door but I quickly fall back asleep hearing Cristina's voice come from the hallway. I knew if Cristina was here she had it under control whatever it was. I awaken again to my pager going off. I get up to see it's a 911 page. I quickly get dressed and look at the clock and see it's 2 pm not getting proper sleep lately really put a damper on my sleeping schedule, it felt really good to sleep in so late. I get into my Chevy Blazer that I only run when I was home alone or if I had no other options, I quickly drive towards the hospital. As I arrive and walk in I'm stopped by the SWAT team officer.

"Ma'am you not allowed to come in, the hospital has been closed down for your safety."
"I was just paged 3 minutes ago by my Chief of surgery Dr. Richard Webber he paged me 911 which is urgent I need to get in there now I could have a patient that is dying, and it will be all your fault because I wasn't able to get in there to them on time," I snap at the officer.
"Let me call in and ask," the officer sighed and walked away to call on the radio to another officer.
"Ok, I'm able to let one specific person in and your name is ma'am?"
"Dr. Emily Gordon, Sir," I say trying to cooperate.
"Well, it's your lucky day if I can see some id."
"Here you go," I say as I hand him my license.
"Ok, Dr. Gordon you'll get directions as to where you need to go by the officer that will be with Dr. Webber."
"Thank you," I say as he gives me my license back.

I start walking into the hospital, I walk up to Chief Webber in the main lobby. He had his back turned to me so I tapped on his shoulder.

"Ah, Emily you made it I'm sorry that SWAT team officer held you up outside he's only doing his job. But I'm glad you're finally here I have three problems that you may be able to fix at least two of. Three very stubborn surgeons. Will you follow me to the conference room?"

Richard explains how Meredith is in an OR with the bomb squad members and a young paramedic but wouldn't tell me any more information, while Derek was in the OR next door operating on Bailey's husband, and Bailey is in labor refusing to push until her husband is with her. I change into my scrubs quickly and rush down to the ORs hoping to help with one or both of the two major issues since George was trying to handle Bailey. When I arrive down on the OR floor I'm immediately almost run over by a paramedic my stomach knots thinking this may be the paramedic that was with Meredith. As I reach where the girl came from I'm asked to leave by this tall man with a bulletproof vest that had the last name of Young on it.

"Officer Dylan Young?" I inquire remembering the face of the officer that I had worked on a few cases that involved the Seattle Police Department.
"You're not supposed to be down here!" Dylan says as he tries to get me to leave.

He looks at me weirdly like he's trying to remember where he knows me and realized he has dealt with me before on medical cases.

"Ah, Dr. Emily Gordon right," He inquires looking at my lab coat.
"Yes!" I say as I shake my head.
"Dr. Gordon you're not supposed to be down here," he says sternly.
"I was sent down here by Chief Webber to help you with your stubborn surgeon Dr. Shepherd next door who happens to be my 'boyfriend'," I say with air quotes. Which makes Officer Young scoff.
"or Dr. Grey who happens to be my cousin and best friend. Now, which one will it be?" I spat as I continue my sentence which Officer Young doesn't seem to be listening to because he continues trying to get me away from the OR.
"Ok, fine Emily, I'm only going to allow you in one of these ORs at a time if you agree to remain calm at all times do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, Sir!"
"Now go into OR 2 where Dr. Shepherd is and try to help him to see if he can get out faster I'll handle Dr. Grey for now and if I need your help with her I'll come."

As I go into the OR I'm immediately met by Derek staring up at me and what I presume is his dreamy smile underneath his surgical mask.

"What are you doing in here Dr. Gordon?"
"Dr. Shepherd I was ordered by Dr. Webber to help you get out of the OR anyway I can because of the Code Black that is in Dr. Burke's OR next door."
"Oh, I see and on your day off too, well that sucks. I'm almost done here on Bailey's husband who'd I'd like to keep alive because I'm more scared of Bailey than I am of Richard. Now if you'll scrub in I might need a little help."

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