Chapter 7 - Exposed

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*28 days later*
After much consideration, Izzie and I went to go get a dog for the house. We decided to go to the shelter and bought a grey shaggy dog that was named Doc. I thought that it was the perfect name for a dog owned by surgeons. We arrive home and Doc immediately chases George.

"Guys, this dog is crazy."
"George stop over exaggerating he just met you," Izzie replies.
"He will warm up to you, trust me," I declare.
"Hey, Iz! Em and I talked and you can go crazy and overboard with the Christmas decoration," Mer said.
"Yeeesss! Thanks!! You will not be disappointed, I think I'm going to start now," Izzie announces.
"Remember we are being supportive, her 'boyfriend' cheated on her," Mer reminds me.
"Mer, I love Christmas and all but this year will not be the same, I just lost my mom, the whole Derek situation, and your mom/my aunt has Alzheimer's, I don't even know if I want to celebrate it this year."
"I know you're dark and twisty right now but Izzie needs us. Besides you learned that you can go to the O'Malley's for Christmas right or did George just tell me?"
"Emily, you're always welcome both of my parents said so, dad would love to catch up and my mom wants to meet you," George chimes in.
"Thanks for cheering me up a little George," I say.
"I'm just gonna grab something quick for Doc and myself to eat before I go to bed. I'll see you guys tomorrow," I state.

As I go into the kitchen Doc follows me. I grab some leftover meat from my doggy bag from lunch and place it on a plate for Doc. I then make a quick bologna and cheese sandwich and eat it on my way up the stairs. With Doc in tow, I quickly close the door as we both get in the room. I get changed into a nightgown and plop down on the bed. I fall asleep as fast as my head hits the pillow as Doc lays on the floor next to my bed. In the middle of the night, I wake up to dog breath in my face.

"Oh, Doc I love you so much," I say as I hug him and fall back asleep.

As my alarm goes off I go to the bathroom so I can quickly take a shower. I find Mer in the bathroom brushing her teeth.

"Hey I'm taking a shower but you can stay in here and finish whatever you're doing."
"Ok, I won't take long."

As I finish getting ready for work I hear Mer playing with Doc. Knowing Mer has never really cared for animals it makes me smile hearing her bond with him. I have just enough time to make a quick breakfast and coffee. I make an over medium egg a few strips of bacon and toast. I sit down to eat just as George comes in groggy.

"I made a pot of coffee you seem like you need a cup."
"Thanks, Em. When did you wake up?"
"4, I took a shower, got ready now I'm eating breakfast," I say as I bite down on a piece of bacon.
"What time is it, 5:30?" George asks.
"All that in an hour and a half, damn."

I finish up my breakfast, Mer and I walk out the door to head to the hospital for pre-rounds. George and Izzie we're heading in for rounds. When Mer and I came in we couldn't find any attendings besides Chief Webber. It felt weird, especially since Burke was supposed to be in early this morning. Mer and I start pre-rounds then a few hours past and we start our rounds. George, Izzie, Alex, and Cristina all present their cases. It was now my turn. I don't look up at the patient until I read the chart so I can present with proper information. I was in shock as I looked at the chart.

"Addison Montgomery-Shepherd, 35. Received some external injuries while hiking with her husband this morning, is set to have surgery with Dr. Torres for her injuries tomorrow, hasn't received any lab test yet. My course of treatment for this case is we need to do a body exam and labs to make sure she is ok internally," I say still in shock seeing Addison in the hospital bed.
"Well, get to it, Gordon. These labs will not start them self, come on hoodlums you'll see Gordon later," Dr. Bailey states.

I start the exam on Addison's stomach and it didn't seem rigid but seemed to look more bloated than I presume usual. I asked her a few questions as I drew closer to the conclusion I speculated at the beginning.

Gordon's AnatomyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora