Chapter 5 - Train-wreck

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At work in the hospital a month later.

"Emily, guess what!" Mer said enthusiastically.
"What, Mer?" I ask.
"Addison just served Derek with divorce papers and she's signing once he signs them." Mer answers.
"Great, so I'm on Burke's service today with Cristina and all I got to do during heart surgery was hold suction and Cristina got to help with everything else because he feels bad for her, only because they lost a baby together and I can't see my boyfriend because one of us is always busy and now I just missed out on drama and George isn't talking to me now because of the sister thing and the crush thing, damn my day is going terribly," I respond.
"So, please tell me he has signed them already, with the day I'm having I really need this," I continue.
"I don't know Emily I'm sorry I wish I knew," Mer states.
"OK, thanks anyway Mer," I state as I head towards the Cardio post-op rooms.

There I meet up with Burke. Cristina arrives seconds behind me. Cristina and I run through the post-op procedures and declare that a few of our post-op patients are secure to go home.

"Gordon, work on these discharge forms before the surgery at 2 o'clock," Burke says.
"OK, will I be able to scrub in with you during the surgery?" I ask.
"Sure you will be scrubbing in with Yang and me," Burke answers.

While trying to finish the discharge forms and charts of the patients who are being discharged, someone comes up behind me and covers my eyes.

"Guess who," the familiar voice said.
"UM...George?" I say playing along with the game knowing it's not really George.
"George? NO!" the familiar voice said.
"Oh, I'm just kidding I know it's you, Derek, because George hasn't talked to me since that whole thing where he found out we're siblings," I state.
"That's too bad I hope he knows he is missing out," Derek says as he pulls his hands away from my eyes.
"He's missing a hell of a lot in the category of friends," I say smiling.
"Let me cheer you up," Derek responds.
"What will cheer you up right now?" Derek continued.
"FOOD! I'm starving," I answer.
"OK," He says well looking at his watch, "It's lunchtime why haven't you eaten yet?" He asks.
"Burke has me doing so much paperwork it's crazy I could get it done so much faster if Cristina would help but I feel like I'm stepping on eggshells when I'm around Cristina and Burke because of the baby and everything and it's so awkward in the OR with them because they fight about the same damn thing, which is the pregnancy and when she was going to tell him," I answer.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to rant. I guess you're waiting for my order," I state.
"Whenever you're ready, I'll wait as long as I have to," Derek replies.
"UM... I'll have a big bowl of penne noodles and marinara sauce with the homemade meatballs if they still have them, garlic bread and I'll have my occasional diet coke, the biggest chocolate chip cookie you can find, Reese's peanut butter cups and a huge brownie." I utter.
"One of those days?" Derek asks.
"Yep, it's a combo of stress eating and eating my emotions," I respond.
"OK! I'll be right back then," Derek quickly exclaims before he ran to get my order.

Derek comes back with all the food I orde.

"Do you want to split it with me?" I ask.
"Sure!" Derek exclaims. He goes to get utensils for the both of us when Meredith sits down with a tray full of healthy food.
"Why do you have so much food and paperwork," Meredith asks.
"emotional and stress eating because of Burke overworking me because he doesn't want Cristina to do any work because of the baby thing," I state. "Also, this food isn't all for me Derek and I are sharing," I say as Derek sits down next to me.
"Hey, Meredith, when you're done eating, can you go get the cat scans for Mr. Jones in 2385," Derek implies.
"Ok will do," Mer responds.

Mer finishes her light lunch and heads to get the cat scans for Derek's patient.

"You're emotionally eating too aren't you," I state after examining Derek's face for a few minutes.
"Yes," Derek sadly admits.
"Why?" I ask acting dumb knowing he's probably thinking about the divorce papers.
"Addison served me divorce papers and she'll sign them when I sign them but I just got to thinking about the 12 years I spent with her. I know you don't want to hear this so I'll shut up," Derek said all sad-like.
"No I don't but we are dating so your problems are my problems let me help I'm willing to," I say concerned.
"Ok if you say so..." Derek hesitates.
"Go ahead," I respond.

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