Chapter 10 - Denny

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"So Burke got a call from UNOS and they found a match for Denny," Izzie explains to Meredith, Cristina, George and I as we eat our lunch.
"And Alex stole the transplant surgery, so I'm stuck taking care of stupid GSWs," Cristina complains.
"That's what you get for falling asleep during sex," I say jokingly to Cristina.
"Says the person who climbed a step to McSteamy," She shoots back.
"I actually stepped down a step for McSteamy because I already had McSteamy before, McDreamy was a step up."
"Whatever just stick to one of the McBrothers and you'll do great in life."
"Um guys we were talking about Denny can we get back to that?"
"How's Mcvet?" I ask Mer ignoring Izzie and Cristina's comments.
"Wonderful, he likes me dark and twisty and he's dark and twisty too but he has plans."
"For the future with you how sweet!" I exclaim.
"I'm gonna Mcvomit!" Cristina mumbles.
"So Burke is at Seattle Pres and they have two donors and Denny is getting one heart!"
"Cool no more LVAD for him he'll finally get the hell out of here and live his life the way he wants," I comment.
"What do you mean?" Izzie questions.
"He doesn't have to be reliant on the hospital anymore only cardio appointments once a year or so."
"I'm happy for him," Mer comments.
"Me too even though I didn't get the transplant surgery," Cristina remarks.
"Are you really in love with him?" George finally speaks up.
"Yes, I know him. I love him so much like how Emily loves Sloan or how Mer loves Finn."
"I don't think she loves him that much," I whisper to Mer and George.
"How can you love him you've never seen him outside the four walls of the hospital?" Cristina asks.
"I may not live with him like you and Burke or been off and on for years like Emily and Sloan or starting things out like Mer and Finn or like Callie and George..."
"Wait, Georgie and Callie? Where have I been not to know my brother has a girlfriend?"
"Izzie wasn't supposed to say anything we have been going out for a few weeks I was going to tell you guys after a month or so," George says rolling his eyes at Izzie.
"Well good for you Georgie, I'm glad you're happy but if she hurts you, she has something coming for her."
"Thanks?" George says a bit unsure.
"I'm not afraid of Callie."
"Anyways back to what I was saying, I know Denny as much as you guys know your significant others."
"Ok if you say so Izzie," I remark.
"Whatever Emily."
"Izzie you've pretty much been a bitch to me since Thanksgiving and Christmas time when I started being friends with Alex. So I honestly don't care about what you have to say anymore unless it's a case or if it's something nice to say to me," I say as I walk away.

I get a page as I'm walking away I look down and it's Mark. I walk to the nurses' station that he paged me to. He immediately drags me into the closest on-call room and pulls me into a tight embrace and leans his head against my shoulder.

"Mark, what is happening?" I ask.
"I'm having a son and Addison isn't terminating."
"I know I was the one to talk her out of terminating the baby."
"Thank you so much, Em. I fall more and more in love with you every day."
"You're welcome. I love you too."

We stay like that for a while.

"Mark after the baby's born you should try for custody. I guess Derek is doing a paternity test for Abbie and then if he's the father he's going to try for full custody."
"Well good for him, does Addie know?"
"Yes, She's the one who told me. I can barely get five words out of Derek unless it has something to do with the brain or surgery."
"He'll come around. He always does."
"I think I hurt him pretty bad I don't think he will this time, he called me a whore Mark," I say causing Mark to stand straight up and to take a few steps back.
"I'll kill him Em, he's allowed to call me a man whore because I am one but you're not a whore I will not tolerate him calling the woman I love a whore," he yells angrily.
"Shhh! Mark, it's fine I set him straight when it happened. You don't need to get into another fight with Derek."
"That fight wasn't fair, I was talking to you and out of nowhere he punches me I could give him a run for his money this time."
"Mark please don't fight Derek for me. I don't want you to get hurt," I say as I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist.
"I promise I won't," he says as he tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
"I'd do anything for you Em because I am so in love with you," he says before kissing me.
"I am so in love with you too, Mark Sloan," I say after breaking away from the kiss.
"You positive? I used to treat you like shit," Mark says ashamedly.
"We were both young and dumb but the years we spent apart made us grow as people and I feel that I'm supposed to give you a second chance. But I know that I love you more than I did when we were first together."
"That makes me feel a lot better."
"The Mark Sloan was feeling insecure, omg I never thought I would see the day," I say while laughing.
"Really, come on why you got to do me like that."
"Ok macho man," I say smiling as I shove his shoulder.

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