Chapter 12 - 2nd year

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*5 weeks later*
"No no no, the answer is B," I say annoyed after endless hours of studying for the intern year test with Shylee and Mer in the tunnels.
"Calm down, I haven't seen you this flustered since med school when you were stressing over the practical," Shylee states.
"This is just so stressful if you fail you have to go and redo your intern year and I don't want to be an intern again, I want to be a second-year with all my friends and also being an intern sucks."
"You can say that again, at least Seattle Grace is better than Seattle Pres."
"We have 5 days left to study and George isn't sharing Callie's notes, I begged him he just wouldn't, I'm going to pull the potential sister-in-law card on her pretty soon."
"I need a break I have a massive headache from all the studying," Mer says.
"Me too," Shylee and I both say.
"Ok, I got to know, Shylee is there anyone you like so far?" I ask.
"Um, Alex," she says blushing.
"Karev, really awe."

All our pagers go off and we run up for rounds. We walk into the second-floor lobby and I see Derek and Mark arguing with Richard on the catwalk above us. For some reason, I start to feel extremely nauseous. I throw up, and Mark starts to run over to check on me.

"Are you pregnant?" Cristina asks pretty loudly.
"What!" Derek says.
"Are you ok, Em?" Mark asks.
"If you're not pregnant I bet it's your gallbladder or appendix, I had to have an appy a few years ago," Mer says.
"Johnston, go check up on Gordon, Sloan we got this continue whatever you were arguing about," Bailey says.

Shylee brings me to an exam room and takes my blood.

"Dude, you and Mark would make cute babies!"
"I know and I want kids but I want to wait for a few more years I can't be pregnant, not right now."
"I don't want kids," Shylee states.
"You're just like Cristina," I tease.
"Oh and don't give me the if I find the right guy bs you always give me."
"It's true though, come on Shylee I can see little kids in your future," I say with a smile.
"Oh shut the fuck up, I'll be the wine drinking aunt."
"Nope, I want Shy to be a baby mama, and our kids can grow up together," I say as I wince in pain while she does an abdomen exam.
"Well, it wouldn't be able to happen if you're pregnant now."
"Shut up, I'm not pregnant."
"You are not pregnant, Dr. Gordon," Bailey announces as she opens the door.
"Oh thank god."
"We'll be doing some more tests."
"Where will I go for now?" I ask.
"You'll get admitted and can get some morphine."
"Thank god."

I spend the next few hours feeling very high.

"Emily, your test came back you need an appendectomy and I'm slim on interns today so you get Dr. Johnston since she's the only available one that isn't related to you."
"What about George?" Shylee asks.
"He's my half-brother," I admit.
"Oh ok, that makes a lot more sense."
"We're gonna prep you and you'll have your surgery when an OR opens."
"You're pretty Dr. Bailey."
"I'm going to take that as a thank you."
"My Shy PooPoo where you going don't leave me."
"Stop," Shylee said with a stern look on her face as she looked at me.
"How are you feeling Dr. Gordon?" Derek asks as he walks in.
"I'm feeling amazing, hot stuff," I remark.
"She's high from the morphine," Shylee explains.
"So she's not pregnant?"
"You don't have to try to kiss his ass like that just because he's your mentor and he's very dreamy. Shy, show him the true you, he'll like the true you."
"Seriously, Emily."
"What I can't help it, it's the morphine."
"Em, how are you feeling?" Mark inquires as he frantically enters the room.
"All my boys are here I'm feeling amazing."
"Is she pregnant?" Mark asks.
"Nope, it's her appendix," Shylee says.
"Mr. Sexy," I whimper as Mark look down.
"And she's high on morphine," Shylee says shaking her head.
"Come here, McSteamy," I yell.
"Oh, I'm McSteamy now?"
"Yes, get yourself over here," I strongly suggest.
"I have to go," Derek says as his pager goes off.
"Lay with me."
"They're prepping you for surgery in a minute I want to but I can't," Mark said.
"Please!" I whimper.
"McSteamy please."
"Fine only until Bailey comes."
"I want you right now," I whisper to Mark.
"Sorry, Em we can't now, at least," Mark whispers causing me to sigh.
"Dr. Sloan, what the hell are you doing in my patient's room?" Dr. Bailey asks.
"Dr. Bailey, I was checking up on Dr. Gordon, but I was just going to leave because I have a surgery in 10 minutes,"

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