More Zerrie From Me?

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Hey guys! So, yes, Collision is indeed over and I'm sad about it but I will return to the world of fanfiction very very soon! I have a Harry fanfiction I am going to start writing sometime soon and it is posted on my profile for those of you who want to check it out!

So, originally I had planned to have this be the only zerrie fanfiction I write but I never expected to get this many votes and reads and countless days of being ranked that I am considering making a seperate account just for zerrie but I need all of your opinions first! So, if you would like to read more zerrie from me leave a comment letting me know! If I do get enough votes then I will let all of you know what the name of the account is going to be! And if you have any suggestions it'd be really cool if you told me them because I'm really bad at coming up with usernames lol

And I know I've said this a lot but thank you guys so much and really every single one of you mean so much to me! I didn't expect to get more than 50 votes on this whole story so I was really shocked when I exceeded way past that! And remember this is not goodbye I am still going to be writing a lot more fanfics (one of which includes a little mix au featuring zerrie) and if you are looking for some one direction or 5 seconds of summer fanfics I'm your girl! Thank you all so much I love you! Every single one of you!

<3 Bxxx

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